
发布 2022-12-16 00:49:28 阅读 6519

8a unit 4inventions必背材料。


since then自那以来2. start to do/doing sth.开始做….

3. refer to所指….4.

in the early 19thcentury在19世纪早期5. h**e to不得不6. keep...

off使。不接近7. in the air在空中8.

on land在陆地上9. in a short time很短时间,很快10. allow sb.

to do sth.允许某人做某事be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事。

11. over long distances远距离12. …the first to do第一次做某事13.

imagine + v-ing想象做某事imagine that +从句想象…..14. after doing sth.

/sth.在…之后after +从句….15.

before sth. /doing sth.在….


16. far from…离…..远17.

as…..as和….一样 few thousand years ago数千年前19.

make a mess制造混乱20. a great success巨大的成功what a great success he made!

21. live a/ an + adj. +life过着。的生活22. millions of数以百万的….ii.同义词。

the start of the 19thcentury = at the beginning of the 19thcentury= in the early 19thcentury在19世纪早期 the daytime=during the day在白天 in touch with = contact sb.与。保持联系。

h**e = be the owner of拥有= sth. belongs to at/in=reach=get to到达。

do you mean? =what’s your meaning?你的意思是?

=at any time任何时候 = make = create制造 other = one anther相互 the weekend= on weekend在周末 the time= all the way一直。

now = at once = immediately = at present立刻、马上 does it look like? =how is it like?它像什么?

useful = helpful适用的,有用的15. specially =especially= particularly特别地16. what fun= what a good time!

多么高兴啊!17. at the same time = meanwhile同时iii.词形变化。



)遥远的引言introduce(v.)介绍introduce...to sb.


(n.)广告(可数名词) advertise (v.)广告advertise for为。广告。







as big as和….一样大be not as (so)good as不如…好run as quickly as跑得和….一样快write not as (so) well as …写得不如…好as much money as和….

一样多的钱as many books as和….一样多的书 taller of the two/the twins两个最高的一个 and healthier越来越健康more and more careful越来越细心。

more+句子,the better+句子越…..越…..

than any other student in our class.比我班任何一个同学都高。

taller than other students in our of the largest cities最大的城市之一 second longest river第二长河。


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