
发布 2022-12-20 09:22:28 阅读 7054

unit 1 how often do you exercise ?

一。 知识回顾。

1. 单词盘点

e__erc__se 锻炼 re___lt 结果hab__t 习惯。

act___e 积极地 pr___ram 节目 int___n__t 英特网。

har几乎不 t___ce 两次 int___vi___er 采访者。

di___er___ce 不同 dr___k 喝gr___e 分数。

ch__c__l__te 巧克力 s___f 冲浪alth___gh 虽然。


(1多少一次 ( 2垃圾食品




(9)..twice a month10)..on the internet

(11).three or four times a week12).the result for

(13).be good \ bad for14).keep in good health

(15).与---不同16) be the same as

(17).sleep for nine hours18).去看电影。

(19).healthy lifestyle20).饮食习惯。



how often___how long___how many /much___how old___

how far___how soon __how he**y___how tall___how big___

1are you going to stay here ? about a week.

2are you ?-forty kilos.

3do you go to see your grandpa ? once a week.

4is the new supermarket from here ? about two kilometers.

5water do you h**e ? only a bottle.

2. always usually often sometimes hardly ever never 频度副词。


he often___get) up early. he___often___not get ) up early.

其他表示频率: 次数 + 时间 every +时间。

一次 once 两次twice 三次three times 四次four times 基数词+times


1do you surf the internet ?(2) how often does she go home

three times a weeka..twice a week times

sometime some times some time的区别。


1) i am going to stay there for

2) we are going to the moonin the future.

3) igo to school on foot.

4) they visited the great wall


1) heexercise) every day.(2)morning早操。

3)i like4)he must do three maths

5. too, either ,also 区别。




1) he is a student2)he is not a student

2) he isa student.

6. although=though but区别。

althoughbutalthough与but 不能连用。

he is ill,__he still works hard.

与 may be区别。

maybe是副词常用于句首 may be是动词用于句中作谓语。

(1)__he is a student. (2)hea student.

8. be good forbe good atbe good with

be good tobe bad for

9. like doing sth. 与 like to do sth. 区别。

like doing sth.表示习惯性的喜欢做某事like to do sth. 表示具体的某此喜欢做某事。

1) today i liketalk)to you.

2) i likeread) story books.

10. help do sth. help sb. do sth. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事。

she often helps me学英语)

11. try to do sth. 与 try doing sth. 区别。

try to do sthtry doing sth

1) you mustless food,you are too fat.

2) heseveral ways to work out the maths problem.

三. 语法突破。


2. 一般现在时表示现在存在的状态(be)

they are good friends. are they good friends ?

they aren’t good friends. yes,they are. no, they aren’t.

3. 一般现在时表示经常性,习惯性的动作(实义动词)

he goes to school on foot everydaygoes是第三人称单数。

he doesn’t go to school on foot everyday. does /do是助动词。

does he go to school on foot everyday ?

yes, he does. no, he doesn’t.

4. 一般现在时表示客观真理,客观事实


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八年级英语上unit1 教学反思。第一课时是引入新课,通过丰富的教学 和听力材料给学生提供了充足的听力和口头练习,引导学生运用目标语言描述过去某个时间发生过的事情或行为。学生通过搭配 与短语的练习直观地掌握了描述各种行为的表达方式,然后在听力材料中学会了如何使用一般过去时态谈论已经过去的节假日的活动...