
发布 2022-12-20 09:21:28 阅读 5615


unit1 encyclopaedias

导入:do you know what is encyclopaedia ?

there are five exercises, the answers can be found in an encyclopaedia, just try.

1、leonardo da vinci was a(n

a.painter b. engineer c. cook

2、leonardo da vinci was___

a. french b. english c. italian

3、leonardo da vinci painted___

a. sunflowers b. the last supper c. impression, sunrise

4、today you can find dinosaurs___

a. in zoos b. in museums c. everywhere

5、which of the following statements is not true?

a. dinosaurs once lived on earth.

b. all dinosaurs are very big

c. some dinosaurs could fly.


encyclopedia n. 百科全书 human adj 人的。

dinosaur n 恐龙italian n./adj.意大利语意大利人。

inventor n. 发明家 musician n. **家**人。

scientist n. 科学家born v. 出生。

countryside n.乡村农村intelligence n.才能智慧。

artistic adj. 艺术的ability n. 能力。

perhaps adv.可能也许invention n. 发明。

notebook n.记录本笔记本 include v.包括包含。

even adv. 甚至however adv. 然而。

suddenly adv. 突然nobody pron.无人。

fossil n. 化石win v.(won, won) 赢。

dollar n. 元(美国、加拿大等国货币单位)

be born 出生for example 例如。

more than 多于,超过die out 灭绝。

just like 正如,正像be famous for 以…而闻名。

how long 多久find out 了解到,弄清。

would like 想要next to 紧挨着。

go for a walk 去散步human being 人。

in the countryside 在乡村,在农村。


da vinci, leonardo

leonardo da vinci(1452-1519) was an italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist.

da vinci was born in the countryside. from an early age, he showed great intelligence and artistic ability. as he grew older, he learned to do many different things.

his paintings are very famous, and one, the mona lisa is perhaps the most famous paintings in the world. he also had many inventions. for example, his notebooks include some interesting drawings of flying machines.

(see art)


dinosaurs lived on earth more than 60million years before human beings. the lived everywhere on earth. some dinosaurs were as small as chicken.

others were as big as ten elephants. some could even fly.

many dinosaurs ate plants. however, some dinosaurs liked to eat meat.

dinosaurs lived on earth for more than 150million years. then, suddenly, they all died out. nobody knows why.

however, we can learn about them from their fossils. (see earth history)


1、 painter 画家,画图者。

painter 可数名词,意为“画家,画图者”,是由动词paint(画)加后缀-er构成的名词。

i want to我想成为一位画家。


teach 教→teacher 教师 sing 唱→singer 歌唱家。

read 读→reader 读者 visit 参观→visitor参观者。




2、 cook 厨师,cook此处用作名词,意为“厨师”。cook 意为“炊具”

his father is他爸爸是一位著名的厨师。


my mother __a delicious meal for us.


3、 da vinci was born in the countryside. 达·芬奇出生在农村。


be born


eg: 李明于2024年5月8日出生在伦敦。

4、 ability 名词,表示“能力”时,多为不可数名词;表示“才能”时多用复数形式。

eg: he is a man of他是个有能力的人。

he is a man of他是个多才多艺的人。

5、 his paintings are very famous,… 他的画非常出名。

famous 形容词“著名的”,相当于”well-known”

辨析:6、for example, his notebooks include some interesting drawings of flying machines.例如,他的笔记本里包含一些飞行器的有趣画面。

include 及物动词,意为“包含,包括”

eg: the children这些孩子中有20个女孩。

including 是介词,意为“包括,包含在内”

eg: the members were present at the meeting


7、 some dinosaurs were as small as chicken. 有的恐龙和鸡一样小。

as…as “和…一样” 当比较对象在某方面相同时,用“as+形容词+as”结构,意为(a与b)一样…

eg: 这棵树和那棵树一样高。

this tree isthat one.

拓展】比较两个对象时,若一方不及另一方,则用not so /as+形容词/副词原级,表示a不如b…

eg: 我们的学校没有你们的学校大。

our school isyours.

8、 some could even fly. 有些甚至可以飞。


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