
发布 2022-12-23 11:51:28 阅读 1263

教学内容: 语法(过去进行时)和u8基础复习巩固。

教学目标: 让学生掌握过去进行时。


教学过程: 检查作业。

u8单词 on the internet 在电脑上 surf the internet 网上冲浪


i can’t understand what he talked about in his post today(翻译)

n. apologize v 道歉


apologize to sb. 向某人道歉=make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉。

apologize for sth. 因某事道歉 apologize to sth.因某事向某人道歉。


n.借口辩解 v. 为….做辩解请原谅。

without excuse 无故 in excuse of 为…..辩解。

excuse for sth./doing sth. (做)某事借口、理由

excuse (doing ) sth. 原谅某人(所作某事)

there’s no excuse for such a mistake. 犯这种错误说不过去。

excuse me.

in the past在过去 in the future 在将来。

我过去常常(used to do )上网。

in the present 现在



how wide is it? 它有多宽? 名词:width 宽度。

动词:widen 拓宽,放宽


形状 v. 使….成形塑造。

take shape 成形 in the shape of ..以。的形状。



adv. 不久前,最经 i'm very busy recently.最近我很忙。

recent adj. 近来的,最近的。

11. forever adj

adv. 无疑,肯定。

it is certainly better than that.这当然是比那更好。

-can you help me? -certainly.

13. recommend建议。

recommend to do sth. 推荐,建议做某事。

recommend doing sth.推荐做某事劝解做某事(没有指定人去做)

recommend sb./sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某人某物

recommend as …推荐某人担当….


v.满意 satisfied adj. 满意的 satisfaction n.

be satisfied with sb/sth 对某人某事满意 be satisfied to do sth. 对做某事很满意。

this plan will satisfy everyone. 这个计划能让所有人满意。

v.混合掺合融合 mixture n. 混合物。


mix the eggs and sugar together. 把蛋和糖掺在一起。

he mixed this oil with the the paint.他把这种油和油漆掺在一起。

16. electronic adj.电子的 an electronic map

this dictionary is **ailable in electronic form.本词典有电子版。

v. 放松 relaxation n. 休息,娱乐,消遣。

relaxed adj. relaxing adj. 放松的 .令人放松的。


she started her own business while she she still at university.(翻译)

科技。with the development of modern science and technology, our country is developing very


v. prepared=ready prepare for sth.=be ready for =be prepared for

短语 1. in the present在现在在现在 at present 目前现在=now

2. at the front it has a window at the front.

in the front of 在…(内部的)前面 in front of 在…前面

at the front of在(某个物体本身或范围之内)的前部,但仅指一个点而

3. both...and...谓语用复数


4. a new type of...一种新型的

we can find a new type of method to improve it. (翻译)

5. mix...with...相混合

6. in the shape of...

7. virus-cleaning software 杀毒软件

8. break down 抛锚过去形式 broke down

9. h**e trouble (in) doing 做某事有困难

10. keep in touch with...与。保持联系

11. prepare for

12. in a second 片刻,瞬间 i will be back in a second


1. shethe flour with the milk to make a paste just now

2. how is judyi h**en’t seen her for ages.

3. we should deal withcarefully. it is a dangerous gas which is easy to burn and explode.

4. “i hat him. i hope that i will not see himangela said angrily.

5. it is difficult toevery customer in a restaurant.

6. i think you’d better use a(ncalculator to help you. you will complete the exercise much faster.

7. i hope i will h**e a chance to___in a seaside town in new zealand one day.

8. there are a lot ofand narrow pipes under the streets in our city. they are for different uses.

9. if you ask me which restaurant is the best, i willrecommend it to you.

10i was driving my car along the highway, i suddenly received a phone call from my wife.

11. don’t yo think you need to make a(n) _to your mum? she is very sad now.


in the past and present mix...with...at the front in the shape of medicine cupboard be connected to both...

and a new type of sit back on the internet

1. it is not difficult for us to find any informationnowadays.


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