新版广州小学六年级英语u8the magic s

发布 2020-08-11 11:49:28 阅读 3793





插队嘲笑。unit 8 the magic words

课文】long ago, a little boy was walking through a park. in the middle of the park there was tree with a sign on it. the sign said,” i’m a magic tree.

say the magic words and you will see. ”

the boy tried to guess the magic words. he tried “open””hurry”, and many more, but none of them worked.

tired and upset, the boy cried out,” this is too difficult. please, dear tree! ”suddenly, a big door opened at the bottom of the tree.

inside everything was dark, except for a sign. the sign said,” carry on with your magic.” then the boy said,” thank you, dear tree!

” with this, the inside of the tree lit up brightly and showed a road. the road led to a room full of toys and chocolates.

the little brought all his friends to the magic tree, and they had the best party ever. this is why people always say that “ please” and “thank you” are the magic word.






一. 请填空。

1. 他的话语有一种魔术的力量。

his __h**e a __power.

2. 在森林的中间,有一个小木屋。

in theof the forest, there is a little wooden house.

3. 在小木屋里面,有一块指示牌。

the housea

4. 在指示牌的底部,有一个洞,把你的手穿过去。

at theof thethere is a hole. put your handsit.

5. 他感到很沮丧,因为没有一件合适的衣服穿。

he felt verybecauseof the clothes is suitable to wear.


1. longa little boy was walking __a park.

2. in the___of the park there was tree with a __on it.

3. the boy tried “open””hurry”, and manybut __of them worked.






一. 请填空。

1. 我们中没有人带来了蜡烛,除了我。

of usthe candlesme.

2. 蜡烛明亮地点亮了前路。

the candlesup theahead.

3. 这些蜡烛指引我们走出黑暗。

these candlesus to get out of the


1. with this, the __of the tree __up brightly and showed a road.

2. the little___all his friends to the magic tree, and they had the best party __

3everything was darkfor a sign.

词汇必会1 2综合】

一. 词性分分类——请把本节课学的单词填到对应的类型后面。

1) 动词:

2) 名词:

3) 形容词:

4) 副词:

5) 介词:


游戏规则:1. 男生站成一列,女生站成一列。

2. 站在最先面的一男一女参与这轮比赛,当老师说一个单词或词组时,抢答。

3. 输了的人排到最后。

4. 最前面的两位,也就是新产生的参赛同学和擂主,继续比赛。

词组必会】long ago, a little boy was walking through a park. in the middle of the park there was tree with a sign on it. the sign said,” i’m a magic tree.

say the magic words and you will see. ”

the boy tried to guess the magic words. he tried “open””hurry”, and many more, but none of them worked.

tired and upset, the boy cried out,” this is too difficult. please, dear tree! ”suddenly, a big door opened at the bottom of the tree.

inside everything was dark, except for a sign. the sign said,” carry on with your magic.” then the boy said,” thank you, dear tree!

” with this, the inside of the tree lit up brightly and showed a road. the road led to a room full of toys and chocolates.

the little brought all his friends to the magic tree, and they had the best party ever. this is why people always say that “ please” and “thank you” are the magic word.






现学现卖。一。 填空。

1) 晚餐请带写披萨过来。

please __some pizza __dinner.

2) 穿过森林,你就会看到木屋。

the forest and you will see the wooden house.

3) 所有东西味道都不错,除了这块蛋糕。

everything tastes goodthis cake.


don’t give up.

5) 瓶子里充满了果汁,但是果粒在瓶子底部。

the bottle isjuice, but the real fruit isthe bottle.


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