
发布 2022-08-19 19:03:28 阅读 8146

unit 1 what’s the matter?


1. should 用法:should 是情态动词词,意思是“应该,应当”表示劝告,建议或命令。 没有人称和数的变化形式,后面接动词原形。

1) you should drink much water.

2) 否定句: you should not drink much water.

3) —it’s cold outside. should i close the window?

—yes, you should. no, you should not.

2. 我们学到的用英语提建议的句型还有:

1) shall i /we +do sth ?

2) let’s do sth.

3) what/how about doing sth?

4) why not do sth= why don’t you do sth ?

5) you’d/ we’d better (not )do sth?

3. 跟踪练习题。


1we go to visit the great wall tomorrow?

—good idea.

a. shall b. will c. must d. may

2. let’sa party this sunday at school.

a. to h**e b. h**e c. h**ing d. had

3. whathelping her with her english?

a. to b. of c. about d. finish

4. why notyour homework on time?

a. to finish b. finishing c. finished d. finish

5. if you h**e a headache, i think yousee a doctor.

a. will b. shall c. should d. can


1. you shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours. (改为同义句)

youeatfor 24 hours.

2. you’d better ask for her help. (改为否定句)

you’d betterher for help.

3. she should stay in bed for a day or two. (就划线部分提问)


section a

what’s the matter?

1. matter

名词:“问题,事情” i h**e a matter to discuss with you.

动词:“要紧,关系重大” it doesn’t matter.

中考。 i am sorry. i broke your tea cup.

a. it doesn’t matter b. you’d better not c. take it easy d. it’s too bad

2. what’s the matter? 常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了什么麻烦等,其后可以接with sb/sth.

what the matter with mary? =what’s wrong with you? =what’s the trouble with you?

trouble 前可以加the 或形容词性物主代词,wrong前不加任何修饰词。

中考。i h**e a headache and i don’t feel like eating anything.

a. how are you b. what can i do for you c.

what’s the matter with you d. how do you like it

i h**e a cold.

1. h**e 实意动词“吃, 喝”

2.“h**e +a/an +表示生病的名词”意为:“得了……病” h**e a fever, h**e a cough, h**e a headache, h**e a sore throat

注意: h**e a cold 和 catch a cold, get a cold, take a cold “都可以用来表示伤风,感冒” h**e a cold 表示“感冒”的状态,与一段时间连用,而catch/ get/ take 都表示瞬间动作,不能与时间段连用。

eg:—how long h**e you had a cold?

i h**e had a cold for six days. (t)

how long h**e you caught a cold? (f)

i h**e a sore back.

1. 表达“疼痛”的办法:

1). h**e a sore +身体部位 i h**e a sore leg.

2). h**e a +身体部位+ache she has a toothache.

3). h**e a +病症 i h**e a cold.

4). 身体部位+hurt(s) his hands hurts badly.

5). h**e a pain in /on the +身体部位 i h**e a pain in the arm.

2. ache 和 sore 区别。

1) ache 名词,通常指连续的,局部的疼痛。 常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词,表示“……疼痛”。mary has a headache.

2) sore 形容词, 意为:“疼的,痛苦的”常放在表示身体部位的名词前,与其构成名词短语。 i h**e a sore throat.

foot 1. 名词,脚, 复数形式是:feet. a dog has four feet.

2. 名词,英尺。 this fish is one foot long.

3. 名词, 底部。 at the foot of …在……底部 the village is at the foot of the mountain.

she talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water.

1. too much 和 much too 区别。

1) too much 的中心词是much, 用法与much 同。

做形容词,意思是“太多”,修饰不可数名词。 you eat too much meat today.

做代词,意思是:“太多(……代替前面提到过的不可数名词。i’m sorry i h**e to now. i h**e too much to do at home.

做副词,修饰动词(如talk, thank, walk, work等)放在这些词的后面或者是放在这些词的宾语的后面做状语, 意思是“过分,太”。my parents always worry about me too much. you talked too much.

2)much too 的中心词是too, 用法与too相同,用来修饰形容词或者是副词的原级。

eg:the coat is much too expensive. i can’t afford it.

he walked much too fast. i couldn’t keep up with him at all.

中考:the meat isdelicious.

yes, but don’t eat

a. too much, too much b. much too; too much c. too much; much too d. much too; much too

2. enough, 在这里是形容词,“足够的”修饰名词 water.

enough 还可以做副词, “足够地” my son is old enough to go to school.

enough, 还可以做代词 “足够” i h**e had enough, thank you.

注意:enough 做副词时,总是要放在被修饰词的后面; 做形容词修饰名词时,可以放在名词前面也可以放在名词后面。

enough 修饰形容词或者是副词一定要后置。

中考: how do you like the talk show?

i think it’sbut some people think it’s so

a. wonderful enough; bored b. enough wonderful; boring c.

wonderful enough; boring d. enough wonderful; boring

lie down and rest.

1. lie 做“躺,躺下;位于”讲时是不规则动词。 另外lie 做“撒谎,说谎”讲时,为规则动词。变化如下:

eg: the boy who lay there just now told a lie. he lied that his school lay in the north of the city.



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