
发布 2022-12-20 07:59:28 阅读 2035

八年级英语unit3 sectiona 3a-4 导学案


教学内容: section a 3a-4

教学目标:掌握新单词:tibet, hike, go hiking, hong kong, how long, away, get back, send,postcard, hawaii

掌握新句型:--how long are you staying?

he’s staying for a week.

i don't like going away for too long.

i’m going hiking in the mountains.

show me your photos when we get back to school.

教学重点: the the present continuous tense

教学难点: 1、be+doing结构表计划或打算做某事(一般将来时态)



自主学习 (教师寄语: no pains, no gains)

task 1. 复习之前学的重点单词和短语。


短语:1、拜访你的朋友2、 照顾我的妹妹。




task 2 阅读sectiona 3a,并在读完之后回答这些问题,然后完成**。

1 what’s lin hui doing for vacation? what’s he doing there?

2 how long is lin hui staying here?

3 what’s tony doing for vacation?

4 how long is tony staying here? and why?

5 what do tony ask lin hui to send?


task 3 3b ;练习对话,用上所给的信息,教师先讲例句,学生用信息编对话并进行小组讨论。

a: what is d**e doing for vacation?

b: he is going to his cousin’s house.

a: how long is he staying?

b: he’s staying for a week.

task 4 do exercise.

1、 选择。

1)i live in school. so i often go homefriday afternoon.

a. inb. atc. to d. on

2) -what are you doing for vacationi am __time with my friends.

a. visiting b. stayingc. spend d. spending

3) she often __after supper with her son.

a. takes walk b. taking a walk c. takes walks d. is taking a walk

4are you goingbeijing.

where c. how d. what

5are they goingon feb.12th.

a. where b. howc. whend. how long

6)--who are you going __

a. tob. with c. atd. in


1、hector is visiting his uncle for vacations.(对划线部分提问)


2、i′m going to tibet for vacation. (对划线部分提问)


3、he’s going fishing on the 12th. (对划线部分提问)

he4、mary is staying the beach for five days.

mary __the beach?

5、send me a postcard from hongkong!(同义句)

___a postcard __me from hongkong!

6、show your photos to me when we get back to school.(同5)

your photos when we get back to school.



section c p.24 25一 词汇。1.obeyv.服从,顺从obey the law遵守法律。2.in the way当道的,妨碍人的getin the wayofsth妨碍 onmy wayto school在我去学校的路上onthe wayhome在回家的路上3.achievev.完成...


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