
发布 2020-02-21 22:39:28 阅读 6851


—九年级上英语预科班unit 3 section b学案。


section b


1. concentratev.集中;聚集concentrate on全神贯注于2. studyn.学习,研究。

3. designn.设计;构思designern.设计师。

4. presentn.目前;现在at present现在,目前5. opportunityn.机会,时机。

6. volunteerv.自愿n.志愿者。

ivolunteered to bean assistant of the scientist.我志愿去当科学家的助手。i will be **olunteer asa teacher in a village school this summer.

7. 地方的,当地的。

8. experiencen.经历(可数),体验(不可数)v.体会,体验,经历9. membern.会员;成员。

10. messn.混乱,脏乱my life isin a mess.

我的生活一团乱。my house isa mess.我的房间乱七八糟。

11. old people’s home养老院。

12. sleepyadj.困倦的,不活跃的she is asleep睡着的she is sleeping正在睡的13.

replyv.回答,答复reply tosb回复某人。

n.答复i sent himanemail, but there was no reply.14. newslettern.简报,时事通讯。




三.语法。1.看起来好像…sb. seem to do sth. =it seems that +从句。

he seems to feelvery sad.=it seems thathe feels very sad.他看起来好像很伤心。练习:这道题似乎很难!

this problemverythe problem


—九年级上英语预科班unit 3 section b学案。



look, feel, be, become, get, turn, smell, taste,stay(保持), kept等。连系动词除be和become等少数词可接名词作表语外,一般都是接形容词。主谓表。

they felt verytired.

he becamea doctortwo years turngreenin spring.


she likesflowers.→she likes flowerswhich are white.

theyarethe men→they are the manwho come from australia.

3.曾经做某事:do you ever getto school late?yes, i do. no, i don’t.

h**e you ever gotto school late?yes, i h**e. no, i h**en’t.

4. be strictwith sb.对某人严厉mother isstrict withher son.

妈妈对她的儿子很严厉。be strictin sth对某事严肃he isstrict in study.他对学习很严肃。

sb/ sth.+形容词使某人/某物保持….如:

we shouldkeepour cityclean.我们应该保持我们的城市干净。翻译:保持健康。

an opportunity to do sth.有机会做某事i h**e an opportunity to go to a chance of doing sth.有机会做某事i h**e a chance of going to beijing.

+时间段+off放假,休息如:h**e 2 days off

请假ask …offi h**e toask a week off.我不得不请一个星期假。练习:我这个星期有2天假期,但是我还想再请2天假。

i __two days __this week, but i want to __two __days __

made a greatsuccess.

you want tosucceedin the future, you must work issuccessful.

meeting ends up with a musicsuccessfully.

about与think of的区别。

当两者译为:认为、想起、记着时,两者可互用i oftenthink about/ ofthat day.我经常想起那天。

think about还有“考虑”之意,think of想到、想出时两者不能互用at last, hethought ofa good idea.最后他想出了一个好主意。

we arethinking aboutgoing qinzhou.我们正在考虑去钦州。


other day, my friends and i talked about therulesthatwe h**ein school.

teachers believe that if we did that, we wouldconcentratemoreonour clothes than our wouldconcentrateonour clothes练习:你应该更注意对自己的感觉比起外在。(pay attention to )

you should paythe feeling about yourself __your appearance.


—九年级上英语预科班unit 3 section b学案。



c. that would bea good way tokeepboth teachers and studentshappy.那会是一个可以让老师和学生都高兴的方法。

it would bea good experiencefor mebecause i had to go back to school.那对我来说会是个不错的经历,因为我不得不回学校。

基本句型:it’s a +名词+(for sb)to do sth对某人来说做某事是……

it’salso a good ideaforparentstoallow students (to study in groups during the evening.)

the head teacher saidit’snecessaryfor martintoh**e a talk with his mother.

d. longer vacations would give us time to do thingslikevolunteering. (like:

比如,类似……样)更长的假期会给我们时间做一些事情,比如说当志愿者。i like fruit,likeapple, pear and banana.

can’t choose which pair of jeansto buy, they both look goodonme .idon’tknow what to doidon’tknow how to doidon’tknow where to go

should be allowed to take time to do things (like that)more often.更频繁,更经常。


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