八年级英语6 8测试题

发布 2022-12-19 00:23:28 阅读 6836



1. 打开(电器)2. 切碎3. 把---倒入…里。

4. 把—放入…里5. 剥香蕉6. 水果沙拉 7. 两茶匙佐料8. 一杯酸奶9. 混合在一起10. 好主意。


1. how do you make a banana milk s___

2. p___three bananas. cut them up, and then put the bananas and ice cream

into the blender.

3. put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. m___it all up.

4. after boiling the noodles, a___the ingredients and relish to the noodles.

5. -how much yogurt do we need? -about two t___

6. in the lab you should follow your teacher’s i___

7. i usually h**e three pieces of b___and an egg for breakfast.

8. she c___her finger when she cooked supper for her family.


1. on saturday mrs brown usually___wash) some clothes.

2. look!the old man___get)on the bus.

3. we___visit)that factory next week.

4. please___look)after the little boy. don't let himcry).

5. -why___you___not come)last time?-because i___be)ill.

6. some pupils in china like to eat s___with onions in them in the kfc.



1.拍照2.看一些海豹3. 搞庭院**活动。



sunday, she met her f**orite singer and got his __亲笔签名).

2. we saw many fish and sharks in the __水族馆).

3. last sunday i brought a _ 纪念品) from japan.

别的)did you do there? b: we took some photos.

team __the game, class one or class two(获胜)?

went to the great wall and h___a great time.

got lots of g_ on her fourteenth birthday.

what about going out for a d___

b: sorry, i just feel like going out for a walk.

like o___activities very much .

were many v_ on vacation in our city.


1.i help my father __clean) the car.

2.i went to the museum and __buy) some souvenirs.

3.there __be) an old temple(庙)at the foot of the mountain before.

4.last week i __visit) my aunt’s house .

5.we __see) some really clever kids when we were in their school.

6.i think it __sound) very interesting.

_ (live) in chinese and worked as an actor.

8.after that, they __take) the bus back home.

9.who __win) the first prize? toky did.

10.tina __get) dean’s autograph and read it.


1. john broke the school r for the high jump. this made him very popular at school.

2. tina had a bad cold, and she s hard.

3. what play did the actors p at the theater last night?

4. deng yaping is an outstanding ping-pong player, and she got many min her sports life.

5. the boy wants to be a g because he likes playing golf very much.

6. li yundi is t on music. he is a famous chinese pianist.

7. the boy got lost in the forest for a month. when people found him, he was still a .

8. his great a was climbing mount qomolangma.

9. o’neal became a p basketball star when he was sixteen.

10. kelsey is a kind and l grandmother. she spends all her free time with her grandchildren.

a small village.(出生)

boy __for three hours.(打嗝)

old __you when you began to go to school?(be)

yapingolympic games in 1994.(参加)

twin was an __writer.(杰出的)


1. 他不是一个慈爱和蔼的人。

he is not a __or __person.

2. 李玟是第一个在奥斯卡上唱歌的中国歌手。

coco li was the first __singer to __songs at oscar.

3. 我长大以后想当个演员。

i wantan actor when i grow up.

4. 迈克尔·乔丹是个国际体育明星。

michael jordan is an international

5. 他出生在一个大城市里。

hein a big city.


went to the great wall last summer.(对划线部分提问)

you __to the great wall?

came to school by bus when i was ten years old.(对划线部分提问)

__ you __to school when you __ten years old?

bought something at the mall.(改为一般疑问句)

___theyat the mall?

boy played computer 5 hours last sunday.(对划线部分提问)

_ _the boy __computer last sunday?

was a very exciting trip.(对划线部分提问)

that trip?


a.等于40瓦b.大于40瓦。c.小于40瓦,大于36瓦 d.小于36瓦。10 在图3所示电路中,两端电压为12伏且保持不变,欧,滑动变阻器的最大阻值是300欧。当滑片从最左端向右端滑动过程中,电压表示数变化的范围是。a.从12伏到0 b.从12伏到9伏。c.从12伏到3伏 d.从3伏到12伏。图3...


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