
发布 2022-12-14 16:35:28 阅读 1986


注意:1. 请在规定的时间内完成所有试题。考试时间:120分钟。满分100分。

2. 请按要求将1-50小题的答案涂在相应的机读卡上。

3. 请按要求将51-88小题的答案写在相应的答题卷上。

第一卷。一.听力测试。(15 分)

a) 听录音,从abc三个选项中选出你所听到的选项。听一遍。(5分)

1. a. brotherb. fatherc. mother

2. a. needb. cardc. clock

3. a. familyb. friendc. found

4. a. pencil caseb. pencil sharpener c. pencil box

5. a. on the tableb. in the drawerc. under the bed

b) 听录音,选出正确的**。听一遍。(5分)

6. abc.

7. abc.

8. abc.

9. abc.

10. abc.

c) 听录音,从abc三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。听一遍。(5分)

11. a. i’m fine, too. b. fine, thank you. c. nice to meet you.

12. a. it’s a bag. b. i’m a boyc. i’m gina.

13. a. yes, he is. b. yes, i’mc. no, she isn’t.

14. a. p-e-nb. it’s a penc. yes, it is.

15.a. it’s a table. b. it’s under the table. c. it’s black.

二。 单项选择。从abcd四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(15分)

16is the cd?

---it’s under the bed.

a. howb. who

17. -nice to meet you.

a. hellob. i’m fine

c. oh, yesd. nice to meet you, too

18where is my pencil?

i don’t know.

a. sorry; excuse meb. hello; oh

c. excuse me; sorryd. hi; excuse

s-u-e, sue.

a. do you know sueb. can you spell your name

c. is it your named. how do you spell your name

20. -is your name brown?

a. yes, it is b. yes, i amc. yes, i’md. no, i’m not

21. -your english is very good.

a. no, nob. no, it isn’t c. it’s not good d. thank you

22. she has an

a. mapb. orangesc. bookd . eraser

23is your notebook?

---it’s green.

a. whereb. whatc. what color d. how

---they’re fine, thank you.

a. how are youb. how do you do

c. what are theyd. how are your parents

25. -is this a key?

a. no, it isn’t. b. it’s a ruler c. yes, it’sd. ok


a. thisb. thesec. shed .that

27. pleasethe math book here.

a. bringb. takec. needd. look

28. look atthe map. it’s a mapchina.

a. onb. in

29. miss fang isenglish teacheris a good teacher.

a. our, her b. my, hec. a, shed. an, she

30. -what’s this in englisha pencil case.

a. this isb. that’sc. it’sd. these are

三。 完型填空。通读短文, 从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(10分)

my name 31 bill. i’m 32 english boy. i’m twelve.

i’m a middle school student. li lei is my 33 . we’re in the same class.

here is a picture 34 his family. look, this is his 35 . he is a policeman(警察).

his 36 is a teacher(老师) of english. she is a good teacher. bill has 37 sisters.

38 are twins(双胞胎). their 39 are fang fang and yuan yuan. they h**e a cat(猫).

we are good 40 ,too.

amb. isc. ared. call

ancd. the

cousinc. friendd. teacher

inc. ofd. for

parents b. motherc. grandparents d. father

36. a. parents b. motherc. grandparents d. father

37. a. ab. onec. twod. three

38. a. sheb. hec. wed. they

39. a. nameb. namesc. family names d. first name

40. a. family b. parentsc. friendsd. names

四. 阅读理解。(10分)

a)hello! i’m an english girl. my first name is lucy.

my last name is white. i’m in no.3 middle school.

my father and mother are in no.3 middle school, too. they are english teachers.

my brother is in nankai university(大学). his name is tony. i h**e a chinese teacher.

her name is wang yan. she can speak (说)very good english. she is a good teacher.


41. i am an english

a. boyb. teacherc. girld. student

42. my name is

a. white lucy b. lucy white c. wang yan d. tony white

43 tony is

a. my father b. my mother c. my chinese teacher d. my brother

44. there are(有people in my family.

a. twob. threec. fourd. five

45. wang yan is

a. a chinese teacherb. my aunt

c. an english teacherd. a student

b)tim, sonia, jim, tina, jenny and ann are in the classroom. they find (发现) a pencil case, a ruler, a pencil and a notebook on the desk. tim asks sonia, “is this your pencil?

” sonia answers, “yes, it is. thank you. “tim asks again, “hi, jim!

is this your ruler?” jim answers, “no, it isn’t. it’s tina’s ruler.

” is this your notebook, jenny?” asks tim. “yes, it is.

” answers jenny. “ann, is this your pencil case?” asks tim.

“yes, it is. thank you,” answers ann.



制卷单位棋盘中学。说明 请将第 卷的答案写在后面的答题卷上。满分120分 第 卷。听力部分 20分 单句理解。每小题1分,共5分 听句子,选出与句子内容相关的图画,并将所选答案的字母代号填人答题卷相应空格内。每个句子听两遍。短对话理解。每小题1分,共5分 你将听到五段对话,每段对话有一个小题。请在每...


2011 2012学年 上 八年级数学期中测试题。一 填空题 每空3分,共30分 1.在 abc中,ab 5cm,bc 12cm,要使 b 90o,则ac的长应为 2.如图所示,以直角三角形的一直角边和。斜边为边长所作正方形a c的面积分别为9和25,则以另一直角边为边长的正方形b的。面积为 3.等...


八年级语文期中测试题。时间120分钟,分数120分 一 积累与运用 20分 1 下列句子中有两个错别字,请改正后用正楷将整个句子抄写下来 2分 宝剑锋从磨厉出,梅花香至苦寒来。2 下列各组词语中加点字的注意全都正确的一项是 2分 a 差使 ch i 颓唐 tu 拭干 sh 愧怍 zu b 蹒跚 p ...