
发布 2022-08-18 09:45:28 阅读 4689


满分:120分) 姓名分数。

一:词汇 (共35题,每题1分,共35分)

1. 到了做某事的时间了。

2. 一直 / 坚持做某事。

3. 向…学习。

4. 全世界。

5. 两者都 (用在肯定句中)

6. 超过;多余。

7. 期待做某事。

8. come out

9. 擅长。

10. without sound

11. 情不自禁做某事。

12. 等不及做某事。

13. 同意某人观点。

14. over eighty years

15. 在…前面(内部)

16. 一天三次。

17. need to do

18. need doing

19. be up to

20. the latest news

21. 为了。

22. 在地球上。

23. 完成做某事。

24. 拍照。

25. 考虑。

26. 邀请某人做某事。

27. at the moment

28. 喜欢做某事。

29. work for

30. 不要担心。

31. 到目前为止。

32. each other

33. 为…感到骄傲。

34. 花费(时间或金钱)做某事。

35. be harmful to


1. you need to make yourselfhealth) than before.

2. she finishedread) that book last night.

3. he felt too tired to move, so he stoppedwalk) and sat down.

4. ask herclose) the door when she le**es the classroom.

5. hedo) his homework at that time.

6. lu xun is one of the most famouswriter) in china.

7. he is good atrun).

8. theybe) to beijing twice.

9. hedo) his homework two hours ago.

10. it took her a lot of timewalk) to school.

11. i enjoylisten) to english music.

12. zhang fan is afraid ofgo) out at night.

13. some foodtaste) good, but it is sometimes bad for our health.

14. as teenagers, we’re old enoughhelp) with housework.

15. hearing the news, we can’t helplaugh).

16. theygo) to beijing; they’ll be back in two years.

17. this shirtfeel) soft. i’ll take it.

18. jim spent 10 hoursfinish) his homework.

19. many visitorsvisit) china since twenty years ago.

20. it is easylearn) english, i think.


1. the boy was not old enough to join the army. (改为同义句)

the boy wasjoin the army.

2. she joined the team three years ago. (改为同义句)

shethe team for three years.

3. we are proud of our country. (改为同义句)

weour country.

4. why don’t you try it? (改为同义句try it?

trying it?

5. i h**e learned english for 3 years. (对画线部分提问)

you learned english?

6. the old man died two years ago. (改为同义句)

the old manfor two years.

7. my pen doesn’t work. (对画线部分提问with your pen?

8. she came here three years ago. (改为否定句)

shehere three years ago.

9. i like singing. i like swimming, too. (合并为一句)

i like singingswimming.

10. i h**e ever been to an aquarium. (改为一般疑问句)

___you ever __to an aquarium?



he is a little taller than me.

)2. oh, it __so nice, what a beautiful music it is!

)3. lucy is shy. she would not invite her classmates __dancing with her.

)4. i’m very proud of that beijing is one of __cities in the world.

)5. it snowed he**ily this morning, but __of us was late for school.

)6. –your father __to hong kong, right?

yes, he __there a week ago.

)7. i __to school since i __six.

)8. her mother goes to work __bus every morning.

)9. the children decide __their school yard this friday afternoon.

)10.__clever the boy is !

)11. mr. green looked __and looked at me __

)12. we find __impossible to get there before 8 o’clock.

)13.—we all went to the cinema except you last night. why don’t you come?

because i __that movie twice.

)14. –h**e the astronauts __the moon safely?

yes. now they are working on the moon.

)15. –h**e you looked up the words in the dictionary___


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