
发布 2022-08-18 09:44:28 阅读 9503











a. b. c. d. e.



) 6. a. the panda b. the vegetable. c. the fruit.

) 7. a australia. b. tony. c. a student.

) a tiger b, bread. c. at 6:30.

) 9 .a yes, i do. b. sorry, i don’t know. c. no, i’m not.

)10. a. the drums. b english. c. eggs.



) does the man go to the subway station ?

a.by bus. b. by bike. c. on foot.

)12. what club is tom in?

a. the music club. b. the sports club. c. the chess club.

)13. what time does peter usually go to bed?

a. at 9:45 pm. b. at 10:15 pm. c. at 10:45 pm.

)14. where can the boy listen to music ?

a. in the classroom. b. in the hallways.. c. we don’t know.

) 15. what animals does the girl want to see?

a. pandas. b. lions c. koalas.

iv. 短文理解。根据你听到的短文内容选出最佳选项。

6. how old is mrs. brown?

a.13 b.30 c.39

( )7. when is linda ‘s birthday ?

a. on may 10th. b. on may 11th c. on may 20th

) linda play the piano ?

a. yes ,she can .b. no, she can’t. c. we don’t know.

)19. what club does linda want to join?

a. the art club. b. the music club. c. the sports club.

)20. when can linda play sports?

a. on school days. b. after school. c. on the weekend.

书面测试。v. a.辨音。(共5小题;每小题1分)

从a, b, c, 三个选项中选出画线部分读音不同的选项。

)21. a. swim c. fifty

( )relax b. pet c. chess

( )speak b. teach c. breakfast

( )bus b. luck c. musician

( )25. a. book b. zoo. c. tooth

. b.单项选择。

)26 after half __hour, the boys play __basketball.

a. the; an b. a;\ c. an;\

)27.__sleep in class! we should listen to the teacher carefully.

a. do b. not c. don’t

)28 he __tv now.

a, is watching b, watching c, watches

)29---do you want to go to the movieas?

---a. yes ,i am .b. that sounds great. c. no, i don’t.

)30. please be __the baby is sleeping.

a. shy b. quiet

)31. some animals are __danger now.

a. on b. under c in

)32. people are __too many trees, it is bad.

a, cutting down b. eating out c. going out.

)33. tom is talking __the phone.

a. on b. in c. at

)34. listen! the bird __in the tree.

a. singing b. is singing c. sings

)35. what do you want___

a. to do b. doing c do

)36. what are you __

a. do b. doing c. does.

)37do you like tigers?

---because they are strong.

a. what b. why c. when

) do you usually get up?

a. time b. when c. where

)39. _you play the guitar?

a. can b. do c. does

)40.__do you get to school ?

a. how b. what c. where

vii.完形填空。 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


bob and mike are in the same school, but they are in different classes. they go to school 41 monday to friday. they 42 a taxi to school, but 43 they walk to school.

at school their f**orite 44 is chinese, 45 they think chinese is very interesting.

today is tuesday. bob 46 an english class. look!

he is talking to his english teacher in english. mike is h**ing a chinese class. his teacher is talking 47 beijing opera with them.

the students 48 carefully(认真地). but one of bob’s classmates 49 a story book, because he isn’t good at english and he 50 english.

) 41. a. fromb. inc. on

) 42. a. byb. takec. takes

) 43. a. every dayb. sometimesc. often

) 44. a. sportb. languagec. subject

) 45. a. butb. becausec. so

) 46. a. h**eb. is h**ing c. has

) 47. a. atb. aboutc. or

) 48. a. listen to b. are listening to c. are listening

) 49. a. are readingb. is reading c. read

) 50. a. likesb. dislikes c. isn’t liking



aone sunday morning mr brown and his child. bill, are in a big shop. mr brown wants to buy a new blouse for mrs brown.

bill likes oranges, so his father buys some oranges for him. bill also wants to buy some picture-books and colour pencils. there are many things and many people in the shop.

they are men and women, old and young. they all want to buy something there.


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