
发布 2023-02-28 15:23:28 阅读 8083




a 按要求填空(10分)


的笔记本(汉译英4. ufo(表达意思。


you are.(英译汉8. h**e a good day!.(英译汉。

not(缩写 and found(英译汉。



brown is a boy. jack is his f___name.

2. thisismy___棒球).

3. —where’s my bookit’s u___the table.

4. —where are the hatssorry, i don’t k___

5. my schoolbag is red. what a___yours



a. 2b. 3c. 4d. 5

( )2. —good evening

good evening.

a. cindyb. to cindyc. cindyd. to cindy

( )3. what’s this __english?

a. onb. inc. tod. for

( )4. it’s __black. it’s __black ruler.

ab.ac./ ad.a;a

( )5. –what’s thisit’s___orange.

ab. ac. an d. the

)6. –is this your book? –yes

a. this is b. it is c. it isn’t d. he is

)7. tomis lucy. she’s my good friend.

a. sheb. thisc. itd. her

)8. is that your __

a. a ruler b. pencil c. keys d. books

)9. –is the jacketit’s green.

a. where c. what’s d. what color

) 10name is kate.__is a teacher.

a. her, she b. he’s, he she d. he, his

)11. –where __my penson the table.

a. is, it’s b. is, its they’re d. are, it’s

)12. –are these your rulersyes

a. these are b. it is c. they are d. they aren’t

) 13do you spell pencil?

- p- e-n-c-i-l.

a. how b. what c. where d. who

)14. please call mike578-4317 .

a. tob. in c. atd. of

) 15. my friend is a girlname is mary.

a. she b. he c. her d. his

)16. the computer is in myroom.

a. uncle b. sister’ c. brother’s d. cousin

)17your fatherno, he is my uncle.

b. is he c. what's d. is she

( )18. _these your

a .are, pencilb. are, pencils

c. is, watchd. is , watches

( )19. –are you jimi’m bob.

a. yes, she isb. yes, i’m.

c. no, he isd. no, i’m not.

) 20. linda is my aunt. her daughter is my

a. grandmother b. sisterc. cousin d. mother

( )21. —your jacket is nice

a. thank you b. yes, it’s nice c. that’s okd. no, it isn’t

( )22. excuse me, it isn’t___pencil box. it’s

a. your meb. yours mine

c. your mined. yours my

) 23. thanksyour photo of your family.

a. tob. forc. withd. on

) 24. —howjim and ginathey are fine.

a. amb. arec. isd. be

( )25. this ispenpen is nice.

a. a; theb. the; ac. an; and. the; /


1. that is my father. (改为一般疑问句)

___that __father?

2. it’s an english dictionary. ***否定句)

itan english dictionary.

3. the keys are on the floor. (划线部分提问)

the keys?

am tom.(改同义句)

is tom.

5. that’s a pencil. (改为复数)


6. is lucy her friend?(作否定回答)

she __

7. 三加四等于七。

three andis

i, find, eraser, must (连词成句)


pleasethe teacheryour computer game.


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