
发布 2022-12-19 00:33:28 阅读 8991




. 单句理解。(每小题1分,共5分)




6. what does mary usually do on weekends?

a. exercises. b. watches tv. c. goes shopping

7. how often does meimei eat fruit?

a. every day. b. every day and three times a week.

c. three times a week.

8. what's the girl doing for vacation?

a. relaxing at home. b. visiting her friend in hong kong

c. going shopping.

9. how does gina get to school?

a. she rides a bike. b. she rides a bike and then takes the subway.

c. she takes the subway.

10. what's the matter with julie?

a. she’s hungry. has a fever. c. she’s thirsty.



听下面一个长对话,回答11—12 两个问题。

11. how are pedro’s parents coming?

a. by train. b. by bus. c. by plane.

12. what time are they getting?

a. at 8:00. b. at 8:30. c. at 9:00.

听下面一个长对话,回答13—15 三个问题。

13. what’s the matter with ted?

a. he has a fever. b. he has a headache. c. he has a bad cold.

14. when did it start?

a. this morning. b. last nightc. yesterday afternoon.

15. what did the doctor ask ted to do?

a. to take some medicine and drink more water.

b. to stay in bed for a few daysc. to h**e a good rest



16. mrs. brown’s grandfather lived

a. with mrs. brown and her daughter

b. with mrs. brown and her husband

c. in the country by himself

17. every morning the old man

a. goes for a walk in the park

b. goes out to h**e breakfast

c. telephones the police

18. one morning

a. couldn’t find his way home

b. the police telephoned mrs. brown

c. a police car sent the old man home

19. the old man telephoned the police because

a. he didn’t want to go home that morning

b. he was too old

c. he couldn’t find the way home

20. which sentence is right from the story?

a. the old man lost his way (迷路).

b. the old was ill that morning.

c. the old man was tired that morning.



21. —would you like___

—yes, i’d love to.

a. two cup of coffee b. two cups of coffees

c. two cups of coffee d. two cup of coffees

22.—there are___apples at home. can you help me buy some,tom?

—sure .

a. a fewb. a little c. little d. few

23.—_do you go to the library?

—every two days.

a. how much b. how often c. how soon d. how long

24.—what’s wrong with your sister?

a. she broke my glassesb. she is doing her homework

c. she has a sore throatd. not at all

—i’m going bike sightseeing.

a. where are you goingb. what are you doing for vacation?

c. how is your vacationd. do you like your vacation?

friend is __me. i like reading but she enjoys dancing.

a. different in b. different from c. like d. the same as

classroom is bigger than __

a. theyb. theirs c. their d. them

28.—a number of people __in the park on weekends.

—let me count. the number of the people __about 800.

a. are; isb. is; are c. are; are d. is; is

29.—how far is the store? —it’s near here, about

a. ten minutes walk b. ten minute’s walk

c. ten minute walk d. ten minutes’ walk

of the teachers __england to learn english next summer.

a. le**e for b. are le**ing for c. le**e d. are le**ing

mum is very __to be taking a __vacation in shanghai.

a. exciting; relaxingb. excited; relaxed

c. exciting; relaxedd. excited; relaxing

often goes to schoolhe likes riding and it’s good for his health.

a. rides his bike b. on bike c. by bike d. ride his bike.

don’t like the color .could you show meone?

a. other b. another c. the other d. else

think tony is a little __than jack. he doesn’t laugh as much as jack does.


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