
发布 2022-12-19 00:31:28 阅读 9258





听力部分。i . 听对话,选答案。(共15小题,计15分)


) tknow.

) 6. a. he lost some money.

b. he couldn't buy a basketball.

c. he couldn't join the school basketball team.

) 10. 'swalk. 'walk. 'walk.



) 11. which club does tina want to join?

a. the music club. b. the basketball club. c. the swimming club.

) 12. what does sam like doing?

a. singingb. dancingc. playing basketball.


) s wrong with tom?

a. he has a cough. b. he has a fever. c. he has a headache.

) 14. how is tom feeling now?

a. he is sadb. he is tiredc. he is fine.

) 15. what is tom worried about?

a. his examsb. his homework. c. his lessons.



) 16. what did jane use to be?

a. shyb. outgoingc. smart.

) was jane afraid to do in the english class?

a. ask the teacher questions. b.

read english passages. c. answer the teacher's questions.

) 18. what do you think of jane’s english teacher?

a. very kindb. very beautiful. c. very tall.

) did jane not do to improve her english after class?

a. read english every morning. b. watch english films. c. join the english club.

) does jane think of english now?

a. easyb. difficultc. interesting.



) 21i h**e a headache.

a. what’s the matter? b.

where are you? c. who are you?

d. what are you doing?

) 22. -would you mind __the music a little? don’t you think it’s too loud?

sorry! i’ll do it in a minute.

a. turning on b. turning off c. turning up d. turning down

) 23. if we chinese work hard together. china dream will

a. come out b. come up with

) 24. betty was doing her homework __the door bell rang.

a. whenb. ifc.

) 25. you look too tired. why not __a rest?

a. stop to h**e b. to stop h**ing c. stop h**ing d. to stop h**ing

) 26. tom is taller thanboy in our class.

a. the otherb. any otherc. the others d. other

) 27. hisfather___


) 28.--he’sneverbeentoanamusement park

) 29. theteacherencouragesherstudents___englishasmuchaspossible.

) 30. -our country __a lot so far . yes . i hope it will be even

a. has changed; well b. changed; good c. has changed; better d . changed; better



班级姓名成绩。一 单项选择题 每题2分,共30分。1 我国的耕地 林地主要分布在。a 气候湿润的东部季风区b 东部平原地区。c 低缓的丘陵地区d 西北内陆地区。2 我国的耕地面积居世界。a 第一位 b 第四位 c 第二位 d 第三位。3 下列属于可再生资源的是。a 土地 森林 水能 铁矿b 太阳能 ...


一。知识积累与运用 22分 1.按课文原句填空。10分 弄花香满衣。绿树村边合。赠从弟 中,描写劲松与狂风对抗的诗句是。乐府诗 长歌行 中激励人们珍惜时光 奋发努力的诗句是 请写出两个出自于 岳阳楼记 的成语。写出一句与 愁情 有关的完整诗句。2.下列修辞判断不正确的一项是 2分 a就凭这些绿的精神...


一。知识积累与运用 22分 1.按课文原句填空。10分 弄花香满衣。绿树村边合。赠从弟 中,描写劲松与狂风对抗的诗句是。乐府诗 长歌行 中激励人们珍惜时光 奋发努力的诗句是 请写出两个出自于 岳阳楼记 的成语。写出一句与 愁情 有关的完整诗句。2.下列修辞判断不正确的一项是 2分 a就凭这些绿的精神...