
发布 2022-12-19 00:24:28 阅读 2580




一、 听课文内容,回答下列问题(20分)

1、 where did the writer go last week?(

a. school b. shop

2、 did he enjoy the play or not? (

a. yes, he did he did not

3、 who was sitting behind him? (

a. a young man and a young woman

b. a little girl

4、did he turn round or not? (

a. yes, he did he did not

二、按要求改写单词: (10分)

1. go___过去式) 2. am___过去式)

3. close___反义词) 4. three___序数词)

5. five___序数词) 6. i宾格)

7. swim现在分词) 8. photo___复数)

复数) 现在分词)


good at2.穿上。


5. i h**e just received a letter from my brother

6. he has been there for six months




)1. i want __a map of china .

a. buy b. is buying c. to buy d. am buying

)2. my parents usually get up6:40.

a. on b. in c. at

) apple and some books.

( )4. _clever boy he is!a a

---they are listening to music.

a. what do they do? b. what are you doing?

c. what are your grandparents doing?

) goes to school___every day.

a bus a bus

bus )7. _do you come back home late?

because i play outside with my friends.

)8. do you like

a. swim b. swimming c. are swimming d. swim, too

)9. we usually stay __home __saturday afternoon .

a. at…in b. at…on c. in…at d. on…on

)10. a: it’s a white shirt , is it yours ?

b: no, _is yellow .

a. i b. my c. mine d. me


last summer, i __go) to italy. i __visit) museums and sat in public gardens. a friendly waiter __teach) me a few words of italian.

then he __lend) me a book. i __read )a few lines, but i did not understand a word. every day i __think) about postcards.

my holidays __pass)quickly, but i did not send cards to my friends. on the last day i___make) a big decision. i __get) up early and bought thirty-seven cards.

i __spend )the whole day in my room, but i did not write a single card!




10.人眼能看到物体是因为物体在眼睛的视网膜上形成 a.与实像等大的倒立实像 b.放大的正立虚像。c.缩小的倒立实像d.缩小的正立虚像。11.爸爸的老花镜是300度,爷爷的老花镜是500度,比较这两副老花镜的焦距大小可知 a.爸爸的焦距大b.爷爷的焦距大。c.一样大d.以上三种情况都有可能。12.某...


第一章声现象。100分 60分钟 班级 姓名学号 总分 一 选择题 每题3分,共30分 1.下面能说明固体可以传声的是 a.听到 轰隆 的雷声b.树叶 哗哗 的声响。c.隔墙有耳d.流水 哗哗 的声音。2.设声在空气中的传播速度为,在水中的传播速度为,在钢铁中的传播速度为,则在同一温度下,它们之间的...

八年级 上 第一单元达标测试卷

d 我们充满朝气 活力的表现。6 男女生在思维 性格等方面都有着各自的优势,男女生交往。可以相互取长补短,促进自我完善。使人产生愉悦的情绪体验,满足人的心理需要。使群体更加和谐融洽,增添快乐气氛。会产生许多矛盾,使人增添不少烦恼和困惑。ab c d 7 在和异性同学交往中,下列行为中属于尊重他人的表...