
发布 2022-12-16 14:49:28 阅读 3439

section b

1. many resolution h**e to do with self- improvement.

解析1】resolution n.决心,决定

make a resolution 下决心 new year’s resolution 新年决心。

you should make a new year’sresolute).

what’s your new year’s __

i’m going to eat more vegetables.

a. idea b. resolution c. job d. subject

解析2】h**e to do with关于;与……有关系。

h**e nothing to do with 与……没有关系。

) i heard you __to do with the person.

a. h**e b. h**e nothing c. had d. has nothing

解析3】 selfimprovement 自我改进,自我提高。

2. sounds interesting.

解析】sound v. 听起来 (系动词,后跟形容词做表语)

sound like +名词/代词听起来像……

that piece of musicsound) very beautiful.

) his plan __great.

a. sound b. sounds like c. sounds d. sounding

3. when we make resolutions at the beginning of the year.

解析】 begin v. 计划→beginning n. 开头,开端

1) at the beginning of 在……开始时。

2) from beginning to end 从头至尾。

3) begin to do/ doing sth 开始做某事。

4) begin with 以……开始。

) 1. we usually make a plan for work __every term.

a. in the beginning of b. at the beginning of

c. on the start ofd. in the start of

) 2.__the beginning __this term, he made a resolution.

a. from ; on b. at; of c. from ; with d. on; of

4. were you able to keep them?

【解析】able 能够。

be able to 能够做某事=can 表示有能力做某事,后接动词原形。

) lucy could read story books at the age of four.

a. is able to b. was able to c. should d. would

5. most of the time, we make promises to other people.

解析】promise n.承诺,诺言。

v. 承诺

promise to do sth 允诺做某事;答应做某事

he promises to help us.

短语】make a promise 许下诺言keep one’s promise 遵守承诺。

make promises to sb. 向某人作出承诺

) 1. —i won’t h**e time to go shopping with you this afternoon?

—but you __me yesterday.

a. ordered b. mentioned c. promised d. knew

6. we hope that we are going to improve our lives.

解析】improve v.改进,改善 = make better

用法】sb improve sth/ sb.某人提高了某物或某人 improve oneself 提高自己

( )we will do what we can __ourselves this term.

—it’s high time for you to work hard.

a. improve b. to improve c. be improved d. be improving

7. some people write down their resolution and plans for the coming year.

解析】write down 写下,记录下

( )1. there are some important words in this unit. please __

a. write down them b. write down it

c. writer them down d. write it down

( )2. let me __your phone number and i’ll call you when i’m free.

a. cut down b. turn down c. let down d. write down

8. sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.

解析】too…to… 太……而不能……

too +adj./adv原级+to do sth

注】⑴ 该词组本身有否定含义,句子中不再加not;

⑵ too… to 中间用形容词或副词原级;

⑶当主语是物时,to do 后不加宾语。

the box is too heay to carry.

此结构也可换成 “not ..enough to do ..和 “so...that...

the child is too younggo ) to school

=the child is not old enoughgo ) to school.

=the child is so young that she can’t go to school.

( )1. they are __tired __on.

a. too; to walk b. too; walking c. can’t; to work d. very; to walk

( )2. this box is __he**y for me to carry. can you help me? —certainly.

a. so b. much c. very d. too

( )3. lucy isn’t old enough to carry the box.(同义词替换)

a. is so young that she can b. isn’t young enough to

c. is too young tod. is so young to

9. do you agree with the writer?

解析】agree v. 同意;赞成;允许。

1) agree with sb同意某人的话

do you agree with me?

2) agree to do sth 同意做某事

he agree to go with me.

3) agree on 在……方面意见一致

we agree on the question.

( )1. _this reason. i didn’t agree __her.

a. for; with b. for; to c. about; with d. about ; to

( )2. i don’t agree __you. i think she has something to do __it.


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