
发布 2022-12-15 20:02:28 阅读 3836

unit 5 section a 1a-2c




1)—can you come to my home for dinner?

—s___i’d love to

2) i’m ill ,so i h**e to see the d___

3)i h**e t___much homework to do this weekend

4)thanks for h___me with my english


1)—can you come to my house ?


a. i’d love to love like can’t

2)we will h**e a picnic___sunday morning

a on d /

too tired, so i __sit down and rest every five minutes

to to三。用词的适当形式填空。(3分)

1)thank you for___me(help)

2)thanks for your __invite)

3)zhang ming___h**e) to stay at at home to look after his brother because his mother isn’t at home.

答案:一、1)sorry 2)doctor 3)too 4)helping 二、1)a 2)a 3)d

三、1)helping 2)invitation 3)has

b卷。一。 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(3分)

1)thank you for i___me to visit next week i’m sorry but i can not come

2)c___you go to the movies with us on friday?

3)there’s going to be a guitar c___in our school next week.

二。单选 (3分)

1)—“can you come to my birthday ?

i can’t i can’t c. no ,i can i can

2)thanks___telling me that

a. of b. for c. with

3)there is___ice in the north of china in winter.

too much



ito___a piano lesson this afternoon.


___youmy party ?

答案:一、1)inviting 2) can 3)concert 二、1)b 2)b 3)d

三、1)am going h**e 2)can come to

c卷。补全对话 (10分)


a: hi,mary. can you come to my birthday party on saturday afternoon ?

b: i’ can’t. i help my parents.

a: that’s too bad. how 3._a___you, jim?4. c you come to my party ?

c: i’d5 l to

a; tony, can you come to my birthday party ?

d: is it ?

a: saturday afternoon.

d: oh, no, i h**e to study a test.

a: what about you , tina ?

e: i’d love to but i h**e to go to the doctor my grandmother. she is ill.

a: what a pity(真遗憾)! maybe time.

e:sure. thanks for asking.

答案: unit 5 section a 3a—4


一、 选择。

1. can you come to my birthday ?

can’ can’t. can’t. can .

h**e a picnic sunday morning.

a. onb. in c. at d./

telling me that.

you come to my house ? sure

love to . love like can’t.


for yourinvite)to go to the movies next week .

mingh**e)to stay at home.

7they often invite meh**e) dinner on weekends.


8.你能来参加我的聚会吗youmy party?


i’m going tothe math test on tuesday evening .

10.来加入我们吧and us.

答案: h**e to for ,join

b卷。一、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

likeh**e)a cup of tea.

lei has a ill in hospital sorryhear) that..

(who) you bought a bike yesterday.



youmy home for mid-autumn day tomorrow?


i’m to a piano lesson this afternoon .

答案: h**e hear over to ,h**e

c卷。一、 补全对话。

t: hello,bill1

b:this afternoon ?yes,i am.

t: we’re going to h**e a baseball game2

b3 .but i’m afraid i can’ h**e to go to see the doctor.

t:why?what’s the matter?

b:i h**e a sore back .

t:i’m sorry to hear that4


二、 选择。

can’t us because her mother is ill.

join of us must practice english after class .


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