
发布 2022-12-30 04:37:28 阅读 9605


第周第四节课题: unit7 sectionb(2bparagraph3-3a) 课型:新授。

1、学习目标 :

1.掌握这些单词:agree, hundreds of , shape , fall , fall down , inside , look for , possible , impossible , side , probably , during , holiday , word .


—what will the future be like ?—cities will be more polluted . and there will be fewer trees.

robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are .

however, they agree it may take hundreds of years .




一)、写出下列短语。(请同学们预习教材p53 第四段 p54页—p55页)

1看起来像2. 做相同的事情。

3.在日本4. 例如。



9 在未来10 不同外形。

11突然倒下12 寻找。

13 似乎不可能14同意某人。

15 在某时刻16 在以后的20年里

二、)请同学们认真阅读教材p53-p55,自主完成2d 3a部分。


1. probably adv. 很可能;大概 (=maybe)

the boys probably dress up as ghosts. 这些男孩可能会装扮成鬼。

2. during prep. 在……期间。

he swims every day during the summer. 他夏天每天游泳。

3. fall v. (fell/ felt/) 倒塌;跌倒;掉落。

fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌

the house might fall down in a few months. 几个月内这所房屋也许就会倒塌。

4. shape n. 形状。

what is the shape of your kite? 你的风筝是什么形状的?

5 hundreds of 许多;大量= lots of

there are hundreds of flags in front of the building.



)1 today there are already robots __housework in some families .

a. do b. did c. does d. doing

) do the same jobs __and over again .

a. after b. about c. over

) get on the bus when the door is closing . it’s __

a. dangerous b. right c. safe d. cool

)4. the police dogs can help policemen __for the bad persons .

a. find b. look c. catch d. watch

)5 --what are you going to do __this summer holiday , kate ?

i’m going to take a trip with my family .

a. at b. with c. from d. during

)6 we __a meeting to discuss the matter in an hour .

a. h**e b. will h**e c. are h**ing d. would h**e


1. 一些科学家相信在未来会有更多的机器人。(believe)

2. 这些机器人将会有许多不同种类的形状。(shape)

3如果有人在里面的建筑物倒坍,这些蛇形机器人能够帮助寻找在建筑物底下的人(fall down)

4 但是在某时刻,机器人甚至将能够像人类一样说话。(at some point )

5 在以后的20年里,我认为我将会成为一名文化报记者。(in 20 years .)

6 你同意哪一方?(agree with)

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