
发布 2022-12-22 18:06:28 阅读 2142

unit5 if you go to the party ,you’re h**e a great time!





课前学习】一、 自己读会 p36-37 的单词、短语和用法。

二、 译出下列词组(根据p36-37的内容找出)




课堂**】1、let sb. in/out

let sb. do sth. 如sb. 后用了by, in, out等adv.时,可以省略v.

let me get in=let me in, let me pass by= let me by让我过去。

如有时间状语,则动词不可省。we let him (come )in.(可省)


2、h**e a great time 意为“玩的愉快”


3、organize v. 组织,安排名词形容词。

4、the rules for… …的规定 we must obey(遵守) the rules for the library.

my family has some rules (同义句) there are somemy family .


bring …to…意为“把 …带到 …来”,离说话者越来越近。反意词组take…to…


6、ask sb. to do sth.

常用这种结构的动词还有:order, teach,want,tell,等。



7、 take away 译为“拿走”,为动副词组,当宾语是代词时,要放在中间。

例如:我不喜欢这些书,请把它们拿走。ithese books,please

8、half the class won’t come.

half 意为“一半的”,adj. 一般放在冠词、物主代词或指示代词之前。

例:half the boys are playing football.

half of the+n.(pl.)或half of +pron.(宾格pl.)意为“半数的……”做主语时,谓语动词由half后面的名词或代词决定。

例:half of the booksbe)old. half of the time __be)wasted.



1. i’m sure if he __go) to the party, heh**e) a great time.

2. if the rain __stop) tonight, we will go to the cinema.

3. i’ll buy a computer if i __h**e) enough money.

4. younot get) nervous if you __do ) enough exercise.

5. if she __be) kind to me , inot argue) with her.

6. i want to know if hecome) tomorrow, if he __come),

igive) the massage to him.

7. if you __pay) more attention to that, henot get) injured.

课后练习】一、 请根据括号中所给动词的提示完成下列句子。

1. if it __rain) tomorrow, i won’t go to see my aunt.

2. let’s __take) the bus to the palace museum.

3. don’t __bring) your dog to linda’s party.

4. his teacher wants himremember) the school rules.

5. whathappen) if we h**e the party today?

二、 请根据汉语提示完成下列句子, 每空一词。1`

1. will you help me组织这场晚会)?

2. didn’t you玩得愉快) in the zoo?

3. if you带零食) to the party, the teacher will be unhappy.

4. they didn’t让我进来).

5. please把……拿走) your jacket.

三、 请按括号中所给要求完成下列句子,每空一词(含缩写)。

1. you can’t bring your friends to the party. (改为祈使句)

your friends to the party.

2. don’t wear your jeans to the party. your teacher won’t let you in.


your jeans to the party, your teacher __let you in

3. andrea is going to make some food. (就划线部分提问)

___is andrea going to __

4. hurry up, or you’ll be late for the meeting. (改为同义句)

hurry up, you will be late for the meeting.

5. i didn’t h**e a good time at lana’s birthday party. (改为同义句)

i didn’tat lana’s birthday party.


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