八年级上册英语 5单元作文

发布 2021-03-01 22:03:28 阅读 2197



1) i went to …

2) we took quite a few photos

3) it was wonderful

4) we all had a good time

典例:假如上周你和班上的同学到方山玩,你们玩得很快乐。请以“my happy weekend”为题,根据下面的提示写一篇短文。



my happy weekend

last weekend,my classmates and i went to fangshan. we enjoyed ourselves very much范文:

last weekend, my classmates and i went to fangshan. we enjoyed ourselves very much.

at 8:00 on sunday morning, we got together at the school gate. when all of us arrived, we started.

we liked riding, so we went there by bike. after about 30 minutes’ ride, we got there. we found a beautiful place to h**e a rest.

and we took quite a few photos and played games together. when we felt a little hungry, we took out our food to h**e a picnic. everyone ate a lot.

we all had a good time.



1)…is good for… (2) it is time for the mind and the body

3) it’s good to do sth (4)it’s adj. for do…

典例:请根据下面提示写一篇论述“早起(early rising)”重要性的文章。

1. 早起有益健康。

2. 早起的具体好处:(1)可以做早操来锻炼身体;(2)对学习有好处。

3. 大家都应该养成早期的习惯。


范文:early rising is good for us in many ways.

first, it is healthy for the mind and the body. we can do morning exercises to keep healthy. it is also good to take a walk along the street.

second, early rising helps us with studies. when we get up very early in the morning, everything around us is quiet. in the morning we can learn more quickly and memorize what we h**e learnt easily.

third, early rising gives us enough time, so that we can h**e a relaxing breakfast.

so i think it’s important for us to form the habit of getting up early.


1).i think …

2) she /he is …than…

3) a good friend likes to do the same things as me

4) it’s (not) necessary to be the same.


i h**e a good friend. her name is alice. we are in the same class.

in some ways, we are the same, but in some ways, we are different. i am as tall as alice. but she is he**ier than me.

we both h**e black hair. but my hair is longer than hers. alice is more outgoing than me.

she likes sports. but i like music. she exercises every day and she is stronger than me.

i am smarter than her. and i am better at english than her. i don’t think differences are important in a friendship.


1) it has the best

2) it’s the most expensive

3) it’s worse than blue moon.


范文:there are three restaurants near our school. of the three restaurants, i like ham’s best.

because it has the best food. and it has the friendliest service of the three. however, people don’t often eat there because the food there is the most expensive.

i also like miller’s. the food there is cheaper than that in ham’s. and it has better food than jason’s.

it also has friendly service. and it has the most popular restaurant near our school.

as for jason’s, i don’t like it. though it’s the cheapest, it has the worst food. and it doesn’t h**e friendly service at all.



1) what do you think of…?

2) idon’t mind…

3) i like to watch…

4) i can’t stand…


范文:i asked some of my friends about their f**orite tv shows. here are their answers.

judy likes soap operas best because she thinks they are very funny and romantic. alex’s f**orite tv shows are sports shows. he likes doing sports and he wants know more about sports.

susan likes to watch english shows. she likes english very much. she wants to learn it well and improve her listening.

as for me, i like talent shows. i don’t mind english shows or sports shows but i can’t stand soap operas because they are too boring.


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