新版八年级英语上册uniteone单元检测 含答案

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【人教版】2013新版八年级英语上册unite one单元检测(含答案)


2013新版八上unit 1 where did you go on vacation?

section a

一、英汉互译 1. somewhere interesting2. feed some hens

3. buy something for my father4.照相。

5. seem to be bored6. go out with someone

7. buy something special8 写日记。


二、 根据提示填空。

11. lucy usuallyto school early. but today sheto school late. (go)

12一whatyoudo) on your vacation last year? –weplay) on the beach.

you just now. but therebe) no answer. whereyou(study) at home las night?

一no, ihelp)my motherclean) the room.

15. the students of class one go to see the old womanone) a month.


21. she is new here,so she hasfriends at school.

a, much b. few c, little d. a little

22. the cakesgood. can i h**e some more?

a. sound b. taste c. feel d. smell

23.(2012,北京)-where were you last saturday? –iin the capital museum

a. am b. will be c. was d. h**e been

24.(2012,湖南岳m )-what else do you need for your tripelse. i’ve packed everything.

a. something b. everything c. nothing

25.(2011,四川 )-一help __to some fruits. –thank you.

a. yourself b. your

26一i am going to london for a holiday next month

a. h**e a good time b. it’s terrible c. good job d. what a pity

27. (2012,四川 )-excuse me. could i get into the morn to get my book back ?

but no one except the head master is allowed to enter it from yesterday on.

a. of course,go ahead b. all right c. i’m sorry d. never mind

28.(2012,辽宁 )you’d better not read today’s news***** because there is __in it.

a. nothing special b. anything new c.

everything important d. something interesting 29一what do you think of the 3d film titanic last night?

一it wasi enjoyed it a lot.

a. boring b. wonderful c. strange d. terrible

30一how do you like your new job, sam? 一it’ s soi don’t like it at all.

a. boring b. bored c. exciting d. relaxing


36. he alwaysgo) for a walk with his` wife, but hego) with his son


37一what did youbuy) for your mother as a birthday gift? –一i __buy) a bag.

38. hebe)short in the past. but now he __be) very tall.

39.1 had a big meal. everythingtaste) delicious.

section b s&self check

一) 、基础知识。

1. 鸟___2.自行车顶部。


eel terrible vacation___

up to the top of the hill

an hour12 because of





bowl of rice one hour later







___shefor her


my mother and i


the weatherlast monday .


the cityfrom


oneweandsome tea.

一、 根据提示完成句子。

are manydifferent) between you and your twin brother

are many outdoor活动)in spring.

i want骑自行车)to visit him.

mother didn’t h**e足够的钱) to buy that beautiful umbrella.


英语八年级上册短语。m11 look up 查,查找。2 make a mistake犯错误。3 talk about谈论,讨论。4 speak english讲英语。5 write down写下,记下。6 next to在。旁边,紧挨着。7 listen to the radio听广播。8 be ...


分组合作,自信高效 导学案。课题 unit1 section a 1a 2d 课型 新授课年级 八年级教者 赵亚君。2 听听力,完成1b练习,老师核对答案 听2a 2b录音,完成听力练习。task 2.1.合作学习1c,2c 小组训练,课堂展示,老师点拨知识点。2 合作学习2d,理解并仿照练习,老师...


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