
发布 2022-12-23 22:54:28 阅读 9998


课题: unit1 section a 1a-2d 课型 : 新授课年级 :八年级教者:赵亚君。


task 2. 1.合作学习1c, 2c 小组训练,课堂展示, 老师点拨知识点。 2.合作学习2d,理解并仿照练习,老师点拨知识点。

教学目标::(1) be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of 1. 补全对话。

a: ?the names of body parts and diseases.

b: i’m not feeling well. i h**e a cold .

2) be able to learn the expressions of giving advice.

a: ?3) be able to talk about health problems by using “what’s the matter? i h**e

b: about two days ago. a” and give advice by using “you should you shouldn’t”

a: oh, that’s too bad. you should get some rest .

4) be able to talk about one’s health problems and give advice fluently

b: .that’s a good idea . 5) be able to role play doctor and patient

a: i hope .

过程与方法:课前检查—自主学习—听力检测 —语言运用与展示—合作**。

2.选择填空: 情感态度价值观:care more about yourself and others’ health

1. i hopea. you better soon.

b. you to be better soon. 教学重、难点:

1、master the names of diseases.

c. you are better soon. d.

you’ll be better soon. 2、master the expressions of giving advice

3、talk about health problems by using “what’s the matter? i h**e a” 2. –i feel tireda.

why not go to bed?

b. you’d better go to bed. c.

why don’t you go to bed? d. all above.

and give advice by using “you should you shouldn’t”

3. –自我预习。

a. how soon b. how long c.

how much d. how often 1、自学page1-2页的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记,学科组长检查过关)。

is __with my back. 2、自学完成section a 1a,学科组长检查。

a. wrong something b . something wrong c.

wrong anything d. anything wrong 3、小组合作操练1c、2c句型,准备课堂展示。

5. if you __this medicine three times a day; you __better soon. 4、用双色笔标出重要的短语和句型,标出疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。

a. take; will get b. will take; get c. take; get d. will take; will get 教学过程:

6.—what is wrong with you ?—my back is very __


a. sore b. hurts c. hurting d. pain (科代表主持,各小组答题,必答题有板答和口答,计分)

7i h**e a sore back.


a. what’s the matter? b.

what’s wrong with you ? enjoy an english song: head and shoulders knees and toes

c. do you h**e a sore back? d. either a or b


8. the nurse __his temperature and found he had a bad fever. —分组展示和汇报——强化训练)

a. take b. takes c. took

预习检测:9.--翻译:谈论太多喝足够的水躺下休息 what’s the matter __you, lucy? -nothing much.

喝一些加蜂蜜的热茶量体温休息 a. on b with c. to d. of

割伤某人发烧在周末胃疼 10. billy had a __fever, so he didn’t go to school today.

a. tall b. big c. high d. height 玩电脑游戏整个周末感冒。

3.根据提示给你的英语老师写一张请假条。 自主、合作、**:

h**e a fever ; doctor told me to stay in ;bed for two days; can’t go task1.

to school today ; tomorrow ; hope get well; very soon; thank you 1、通过自主学习1a-1c,并完成1a.

四、实践创新,知识反馈(升华板—拓展延伸训练) 知识与能力。




2014年新版八年级英语下38.鼻出血 16.强烈的,强壮的册英语词汇表 39.呼吸 17.感觉 新目标英语 40.晒伤的 18.满足 41.我们自己 19.高兴 unit 1 42.登山者 20.物主 43.习惯于 21.参加 选拔 1 问题 44.危险 22.旅行 1.怎么了 45.冒险 23....


新目标英语 unit 1 1 问题。1.怎么了。2.疼痛的。3.感冒。4.胃痛,腹痛。5.胃痛。6.脚。7.脖子。8.胃,腹部。9.咽喉,喉咙。10.发烧。11.躺下。12.放松。13.咳嗽。14.x射线。15.牙痛。16.量体温。17.头疼。18.发烧。19.休息。20.疼痛。21.间歇,休息。2...


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