
发布 2020-11-04 05:34:28 阅读 8418


were you doing __your teacher came into the classroom.2.__i was walking to the supermarket, i met my friend jenny.

课题:unit5 section b 3a-3b&self check课型:新授课年级:八年级教者:zlp

was sleeping late __my cousin came to see me.



5.__the alien was in the shop, the girl called the police.






boylook) out of the window when the policeman came.


theyplay) soccer, we were watching tv.

教学重点:本单元所学重点词汇、句型和过去进行时态。 father was reading a book when i __get)back.

教学难点:运用过去进行时态进行写作训练。 weather __be) fine while we were in beijing.

教学过程: girl was really __scare) when she saw the snake.一、课前展示(前奏版-5分钟)ii、单项选择(科代表主持,各小组答题,必答题有板答和口答,计分)1.

__i was cooking, tina called me.二、创境激趣(启动板—教师创设情境)a. why b.

while c. afterd. before三、自主**,展示汇报(核心板:

教师明确目标——学生自学——小组交流讨论— can see a big tree in __front of the classroom.—分组展示和汇报——强化训练)a. its b.

thatc. thed./自主、合作、**:

hoped nothing bad would __happen b. take place c. happen to d.

take place of1.小组合作完成3a的**。4.

—did you see him come into the building?2.通过**信息,自主完成3b;并展示汇报。

no, i __a football game at that time.3.完成self check,并核对答案。

a. watch b. was watching c. watched d. am watchingtask2.过去进行时。

1)含义及构成表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行或发生的动作,其结构为 his mother got home , he __computer.

a. plays b. playing c. is playing d. was playing

、连词成句:2)用法:1、表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行或发生的动作。at 3:00

1. of, rainstorm, i, at, reading, the, a, was, time, book, theyesterday afternoon, in those days, at this time yesterday等。



computer games at nine o'clock last night.

english class at this time yesterday.

3. doing, last, at, morning, were, what, eight, saturday, manwalk)in the park when the ufo arrived.

the alienvisit) the museum, the boy called the tv station.

4. my, telling, i, you, number, remember, said he wasle**e)for shanghai soon.


5. they, think, the, were, did, telling, i, truth, not1、he was playing the guitar when his mother came back.(否定句)

2、she was babysitting her sister at this time yesterday.(一般问句)

五、板书设计:六、课后反思:3、they were h**ing a party when i knocked at the door.(就划线部分提问)



b.精读,标出不理解的短语及句子。读后 自主完成2c,2d和2e后小组合作核查答案。task2.知识点 1 词义辨析 课题 unit8 section b 2a 2e课型 新授课年级 八年级教者 zlp success 意为 succeed 后常接indoingsth。succeed 教学目标 in...


八年级下册英语导学稿 编号 001 class name team no.time august28,2010 课题 unit 1 will people h e robots?1 课型 新授 学习内容 section a 1a 2c 学习目标language goal l remember wor...


分组合作,自信高效 导学案。课题 unit1 section a 1a 2d 课型 新授课年级 八年级教者 赵亚君。2 听听力,完成1b练习,老师核对答案 听2a 2b录音,完成听力练习。task 2.1.合作学习1c,2c 小组训练,课堂展示,老师点拨知识点。2 合作学习2d,理解并仿照练习,老师...