八年级英语科期末1 3复习

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桂凤中学八年级第一学期英语科专项练习语法module 1-3(五)


1. 表示建议的几种方法:

1)why don’t you + 动原?=why not +动原? 2)let sb +动原

3)what about + 动词ing? =how about +动词ing? 4)should +动原

6) would you like to + 动原?

2. 现在完成时: 句子结构: 人+h**e/ has +动词过去分词。

表示现在已经做过或曾经某事,句子中通常出现:for```since```before, ever/ just/ already/ yet 等提示词。

注:just 和already 一般放在 h**e/ has 的后面,用于肯定句;yet 放在句末,用于否定句或疑问句。

eg: i h**e already finished my homework. has she ever eaten watermelon yet?

h**e been to```h**e gone to```h**e been in```的区别:

been to 表示去过某地,现在已经回来。 gone to 表示去了某地,还没有回来。

eg: 1) ibeijing twice/once/ many times.

2) -where is tomhelondon.

3) tomchina since 2004.

3. cost / spend / take 的区别:

cost : 花钱,主语通常是物 eg. the car cost me 250,000 yuan.

spend: 花钱或者时间, 主语是人。

1) spend ``oneg. he spent a lot of money on books.

2) spend ``in ) doingeg. we spend an hour (in) reading english every day.

take : 花时间,主语是it , it takes sb some time to do sth.

eg: it takes me ten minutes to go to school by bike.

prefer ``to```喜欢```多于eg. i prefer english to maths.

prefer doing to doing```喜欢干```多于干```eg. she prefers reading to talking.

prefer to do```like to do```喜欢干eg. tom prefers to help others.

) 1. don’t forget __the message to me.

a. sendb. to sendc. sending

) 2. he g**e meabout learning english.

a. some advices b. an advice c. some pieces of advice

) 3. we __the film. we don’t want to see it again.

a. h**e seen b. h**e saw c. saw

) 4. be quiet. i h**eto tell you.

a. else something b. anything else c. something else

) 5. please let tomin, mr green wants to see him.

a. to comeb. comec. coming

) 6. this colour is not good, please give me

a. anotherb. otherc. the other

) 7they ever __the answernot yet.

a. did , forgot b. h**e . forgotten c. h**e , forget

) 8. the project has __a long time to finish.

a. spentb. paidc. taken

) 9. my sister __to guangzhou, she will stay there for two days.

a. wentb. has gone c. has been

) 10. i’m sorry! i’ve __given the book to my classmate.

a. yetb. justc. never

) 11. -children’s day is coming, i’m going to see my little sister

a. say hello to her. b. give my best wishes to her c. it’s very kind of you

) 12. i got the news __tv about the interesting film.

a. onb. inc. of

) 13h**e you had this cat? -for a month.

a. how farb, how often c. how long

) 14. after the match, we can ask the twins __their help.

a. tob. forc. with

) 15. ito the tape carefully butnothing.

a. listened , listened b. heard , listened c. listened, heard

) 16. i prefer __tv toto radio.

a. to watch, listen b. watching , listening c. watching, listen

)17. none of themthis music.

a. likeb. likesc. liking

) 18. the weather is so niceh**ing a picnic outside?

a. how aboutb. shall wec. why not

) 19. how long can i __the library book?

a. borrowb. keepc. lend

) 20. you can ask tony things about the museum, hethe museum many times.

a. has been tob. has been in c. has gone to

21. 你走之前别忘了关窗。 don’tthe windows before you le**e.

22. 看黑板,你把那些单词都记下来了吗?

look at the blackboardthose words yet?

23. 她经常帮妈妈做家务。

she oftenthe housework.

24. 昨天,当他到达汽车站时,几乎是上气不接下气了。

yesterday, when hethe bus station, he was almost

25. 他一直学习都很认真,所以他英语成绩很好。

he works hardso heenglish.

26. 飞机十分钟之前已经起飞了,两小时后在上海着陆。

the planeten minutes ago, it willshanghai two hours later.




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