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unit 1 where did you go on vacation?

一、语法。复合不定代词和不定副词通常由前缀every-、no-、 some-、any-和后缀-one(指人)、-thing(指物)、-where(指地点)结合而成。完成下列**:

(1) 加前缀some-的词一般用于肯定句, 加前缀no-的词本身表示否定,加前缀any-的词用于___句或___句。

2) 除___外,其他词都写成一个词。

3) 不定代词和不定副词若有定语修饰,该定语要置于其___

4) 复合不定代词做主语时, 都作___看待, 其谓语动词用___形式。


1. real(副词really真地。

2. active(名词activity活动。

3. wonder (形容词wonderful 极好的,精彩的。

4. more (最高级most最多的。

5. you (反身代词youself / youselves你(们)自己。

6. feel (过去式felt感到。

7. ride (过去式rode骑。

8. build (名词building建筑物。

9. different (名词difference差异。

10. bore(形容词1bored 感到无聊的。


11. i(反身代词myself 我自己。

12. friend(形容词friendly友好的。

13. read(过去式read读。

14. like(反义词dislike不喜欢;unlike 不像。


1. few; a few; little; a little

1)few “几乎没有” ,后跟可数名词复数,表示否定。

2) a few “一些”,后跟可数名词复数,表示肯定。

(3) little “几乎没有”,后跟不可数名词,表示否定。

(4)a little “一些”,后跟不可数名词,表示肯定。


1)he has __friends here. they will help him.

2)he has __friends here. no one will help him.

3)there ismilk at home. we needn’t buy any.

4)there ismilk at home. we should buy some.

2. 因为。

1) because 后跟从句。

i was late because the weather was bad.

2) because of 后跟名词短语或代词。

i was late because of the bad weather.

3. seem 似乎,好像,看起来。

(1) seem (to be) +形容词, “好像……”如:he seems (to be) angry.

(2) seem (to be) +名词, “好像是……”如:he seems (to be) a teacher.

(3) seem to do sth. “好像干某事” 如:he seems to h**e two children.

以上三种情况都可变成 it seems that + 从句。如:

he seems (to be) angry. →it seems that he is angry.

he seems to be a teacher. →

he seems to h**e two children. →

4. enough足够(的/地)

1) 放在名词前, i h**e enough money to buy the house.

2) 放在形容词或副词后,he is old enough to go to school.

5. -ing 形容词与 –ed 形容词的区别。

1)-ing 形容词,译为“使人……(的)”,一般指物,也可指人。是指物或人本身具备的某种特性,可放在名词前做定语,也可放在系动词后作表语。如:

this is a boring book. (做定语)

the book is boring. (做表语)

he is an interesting man. (做定语)

2)–ed 形容词,译为“感到……的”,指人,不指物。表示人的某种感受,一般放在系动词后做表语。如:

i am interested in the interesting book.

they are relaxed about time.

he is worried about his son’s safety.

6.–h**e a good vacation ! 祝你假期愉快!

thank you very much.

7. 到达。

1)arrive in 后跟大地点

2)arrive at 后跟小地点。

they arrived in beijing yesterday.

he arrived at the park at 9:00.

8. find … doing sth 发现……正在干某事。

when i arrived at the park, i found tom playing with a dog.

9. help sb do帮助某人干某事。

help do 帮助干某事。

he often helps us clean the classroom.

he often helps do some cleaning.

10. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢干某事。

i enjoystay) at home to watch tv.


1. did you gosomewhere) interesting on vacation last month?

2. –did you see huangguoshu waterfall?

yes, i did. it waswonder).

3. i just stayed at homemore) of the timeread) and relax.

4. –why didn’t you buysomething) for __you)?

-- i didn’t __real) seesomething) i like.

5. whatactive) do you find enjoyable?

6. we decidedgo) to the beach near our hotel. my sister and itry) paragliding.

i __feel) like i was a bird.

7. in the afternoon, we __ride) bicycles to georgetown. there are a lot of newbuild) now.

8. i really enjoyedwalk) around the town.

9. tom __like) the place. he thinks there isn’t anything special there.

10. i am ill. i don’t feel like __eat) anything now.


1. in our classmore) of the students walk to school every day.

2. he found that there __be) something wrong with his watch.

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