
发布 2022-12-11 12:51:28 阅读 2200



1) 现在所学连系动词be, smell(闻起来)sound(听起来), taste(尝起来), feel, look, turn ,find ,make keep, become ,get etc +形容词( …的)

注意:feel, find ,make 也可以做行为动词用(make 的用法见动词不定式iii已经举例,请复习)。

)!he is __but don’t feel __a. alone ,lonely ,alone ,alone d lonely, lonely( 见-ed /ing 形容词用法。


单音节形容词后+er thatn

多音节形容词前+more than

3) the + 形容词最高级(三种或三者以上事物比较)



4) 重点句型:

+ 形容词原级 + as …和……一样。

2. not as (so) +形容词原级 + as… 和……不一样= less. …than ….

a. i don’t think maths is as interesting as english

b .i think maths is less interesting than english

the same as 与...一样。

of +形容词最高级+名词复数 ..中之一最...

e.g:liuxiang is


5…..like better than ….prefer +v-ing to + v-ing

与。相比更喜欢、、、宁可、、、而不、、、是be动词和连系动词就用形容词 .。

oo+ adj/adv to ==enough + adj/adv to +v(看动词不定式归类短语不再举例) 注意:副词/形容词+, enough 但是enough +名词。

e, g : i h**e enough money to buy the book . he run quickly for me enough to catch up

7. .ad j +er/多音节形容词前+more+adj +than … any other +名词(单数)/the other +名词(复数).

the + 形容词最高级 of /in .

e. g :shanghai is more famous than any other city/the other cities in china .

shanghai is the most famous in china .上海是中国最大的城市。

5)短语。different from =be not the same as...与...不同。

more ..the better...越多,..越好.

+adj(比较级) .the +adj (比较级) than =over 超过...

or less 或多或少 and less 越来越少。

and more +多音节形容词 adj (单音节形容词的比较级) and adj (单音节形容词的比较级) .越...越...

a.the china is getting more and more beautiful.中国正变得越来越漂亮。

b.the more read you , english , the better study you will.


)1. something/sb/anything….+形容词额。 do you h**e

nice to eat b. nice something to eat

c. nice anything to eat. d. something nice to eat

a对 ) 6)、much , a little, even ,still a lot ,far +形容词/副词的比较级(adj +er /more +adj ),而every ,quite ,too , so只能+形容词原形。

e. g : the moon is __bigger than the earth . a .quite b. too c . so d . much

d 对) 7)、对比:“动词+too much +名词(太多), much too+形容词/副词” 的用法。e. g :1.青少年打太多的电子游戏有害于健康。

teenages play computer games too much is bad for their health .

2.我们每天有太多的家庭作业要做。we h**e too much homework to do .

feels much too happy .

8 ) a few ,few ,little ,a little 的用法。

a few ,few +可数名词, a little , little +不可数名词,few , little表示否定。

) film isn’t interesting ,_people is going to see it.

a. a few ,b. few ,c. little ,d. a little

) ismilk in the bottle ,is there ?(选项同1)

) h**e __apples ,but drink __coffee than him .

a. fewer ,little b. more ,less c. fewer much d. few ,little

keys : 1. b 3.__

9 ) be like (指性格像…),look like(外表像….)的区别。

)!heserious and kind .a . is like b. looks like .c. looks

10 ) 带有---ed 和---ing的形容词区别。

sb(人)+ 名词/动词+--ed (谁对…的),sth(物)+-名词/动词—ing (某物令谁。的) amazed/ing,excited/ing , interesting/ed ,boring /ed 等的用法。

) i found english __

a. interest interesting


1、be interested in___2、 be amazed at___

3、 be excited about /to___4、 be pleased with5、 be worried about6、be angry with

afraid of / good bad/good for___

11)在现在完成时态里,用h**e /has been +形容词代替瞬间动词(短间/点动词):用h**e/has been dead/open/closed (形容词)代替àh**e/has +died/opened /closed ….for /since(how long 提问)

e、g the bookshop has been opened since 5years ago .书店已经开了5年了。


另外对比介词一起记忆,以下不同的是 名词 代词。hello to sb goodbye to sb 向。问好 说再见 to 把。拿。地方去。to 把。从。地方带来 sth to s b 把。给。看。sth to sw 发射。到 派遣。去。married to sb 与结婚。sth to sb 把。借...

八年级下册语法专题一 情态动词should与

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八年级英语暑假专题 语法复习

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