
发布 2022-12-06 20:43:28 阅读 6342

pep小学英语三年级下册《unit6 at the zoo》精品教案。

part b let's talk


1)能听懂、会说一些含有简单形容词的句子,并能在实际情景中运用。 the giraffeis tall . the deer is short.

并且会用:it is ….it has ….


you are right .you see.2.教学重点:


1)giraffe的正确读音。(2)h**e, has的用法。教学过程:

step1 warm-up1.greetings:

t: boys and girls, i'm miss this class, i'll divide you into four groups.2.let's do(p.61)

t: listen and do together.

3. show the cards : big ,small, long, shortt:

look at the cards, read and do presentation1.t: show a ruler

look at the ruler .it's long. it's so long.(板书it's so long)t: show a pencil

look at the pencil. it's __ss: short)(板书)

t:(举起ruler. pencil)you see. the ruler is long. the pencil is repeat the sentences.

t: you're right

t: look, what's this? ss: rabbit.

t: look at the rabbit. who can describe it?

it has a --板书)s: it has a short tail.(表扬且发奖品)

b.(show the monkey)use the same way to describe the the rabbit and the monkey)t: you see.

the rabbit has a short tail .themonkey has a long tail.

ss: repeat the sentences.

3. show an elephant and a mouse .

t: you see. the elephant is big. the mouse is small.(板书:big ,small)4.tall

板书:small(强调字母组合all的读音),紧接着板书:tallt: who can read?

师用you're right.或perfect, good, yeah ,yes .及时表扬且做动作领读)pptt:

look .it's a tree. what do you think of the tree?

s: it's tall.

t: yes, it's a tall tree.5.giraffe

1)t: look at this 's --ss: tall)t:

it's a giraffe.(板书并领读)(2)practice:(拿出四个giraffe)t:

group 's this?

group 1: giraffe.(把giraffe当奖品发给各组。)

t: each group has a giraffe. pass it one by one and say" giraffe"(3)t:

look at the giraffe .it's so tall.(领读)(4)practice t:

look at the giraffe. ss: it's so tall.

通过group1--group2 ; boys---girls ; s---s充分练习,启发学生加上动作。)6.deer

t: look at this 's a --write deer on the blackboard)板书eart:who can read the word?

板书deers: deer.


1)t: look at the deer. is it tall?ss: no.(板书并用手势示范)(2)ppt

t: look at the deer. it's short.(t-s, group1-2,3-4, s-s)(3)ppt

t: you see. the giraffe is tall .the deer is repeat and describe.8. picture 4

t: you see .i'm tall.

you're can say : you're tall. i'm short.

(师用you're right.表扬。师生对比时,师可蹲下让生说:

i'm tall. you're short.)step3 practice

1.listen and answer the questions。

t: where's the giraffe? where's the deer?

they're in the zoo. today, amy and herdad go to the zoo and see the animals. listen to the tape and think about thequestions.

q1:who is tall?q2:who is short?

2.listen to the tape and check .


)3.listen and repeat.4.practise in pairs.

5.act out the extension

1.sum up the board design.

longit has(a)short+parts of the bodybigsmallit is(so)tallshort


4.听**布置动物园,各组设计本组动物园。5. talk about their zoo.

t: this is my zoo. look at the elephant.

it's so big .it has a long nose and a shorttail. look at the rabbit.

it has long ears .(师欲将吃剩的水果扔给兔子,这时看到了don't feed the animals的牌子,师指牌子转向全体学生)t: the animals are we go to the zoo, don't feed the animals.


show the zoo and talk about it in homework

用所学的英语组织一个有关动物的谜面,然后让你的同学来猜一猜它是什么动物。 it's ….it has…..

it has…. it's… what's this?课后反思:


2.本节课遗憾的地方是常用口语:you see. you’re right.在课堂上只是适时的出现了,学生可能会理解,但是缺乏机械操练,输出效果很一般。


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