
发布 2022-11-26 08:50:28 阅读 4971


how many __do you h**e?

a pen b pencils c pencil2what’s your name? _name is your b my c this ?_a book.

a its b it’s c are you ? i’m fine,__a thanks b thank c thanks __a are b am c is6.__name is his b her c he

h**e nine___a book b books c pen8.__many red apples?a what b may c how9___colour is it?

a how b what c what’s

wang hong. she is my friend.

a. he b she c this11.__do you feel ?a how b what c where


a are b is c eye b ear c feel b are c head __

a. hurt b. hurts c. is is___a b. an c /

17.__is it? it’s .what colour b what c how

is this? _is a it b. that c. it’s

her name?__name is his b her c is a __

a man b boy c many __do you h**e?a crayons b crayon c three are b am c __the opening b open c is___i b you c pen __am b is c live __in b at c nine __

a old b year old c years old28.__name is liu she b her c __am b are c is __father.

a li ming b. li ming’s c. li ming’31. what is it? it’s___arm.

a / b an c a

you are happy, clap your __a hand b hands c legs __are b is c /

is __let’s go to the cold b hot c h**e ten __

a .fingers b. hand c. finger36 . this is a __cold b long c __at b / c leg .

a am b hurts c bye b thanks c good情景交际。


hat’s her name? b what’s his name?2.

初次见到新朋友,你感到很高兴,你可以说 are you b. nice to meet you3.“good bye”的同义句是___

b. see you later.

4.你想知道别人的身体怎么样,你可以说a . how are you b.

how do you do5.如果你想告诉别人你的名字,你可以说:__name is john b.

my name is amy.

6.当你想把你的朋友萨拉介绍给大家时,你可以说:__is sarah b.

my name is sarah7.如果你想让别人打开窗户,你可以说:__the window b.

open the window8.你想知道有多少个字母,你可以问:__many?

many letters?


colour is the bag b. what colour is the ruler10.


is a red apple b. this is an red apple11.

当你想询问别人的名字时,,你可以问———a what’s your name? b what’s this?

12.当你想知道别人你有十本书时,你可以说———a i’m ten books. b i h**e ten books.

13.当你想问对方的身体状况时,你可以说———a how old are you ? b how are you?

14.你见到新朋友很高兴,你可以说———a hello. b nice to meet you.

15.当你想知道有多少张桌子时,你可以问———a how many desks? b how many chairs?

16.你想询问别人的/感受时,你可以问---a how do you feelb how are you?17你想告诉别人你冷了,你可以说---a i am hot b.

i feel cold18如果你想询问别人怎么了,你可以问 is the matter ?b how are you?19当你想告诉别人你有三本书时,你可以说 h**e three h**e two books20如果你想告诉别人你的头发是黑色的,你可以说---

hair is biueb my hair is black21当你想告诉别人你父亲是一名警察时,你可以说---

father is a policeman b my motheris a policeman22.如果你想知道你的朋友几岁了,你可以问---a how are you? b how old are you ?

23如果你感觉不舒服,你可以说---a .i do not feei good bi feel not good24你想告诉别人你的姐姐个子高,你可以说---a my sister is tall b. my sister is short25当你的好朋友过生日时,你可以说---a hello b。

happy birthday to you.


26this girl is高的)。27this is my母亲).28my sister is a教师].29---几岁】are you?30 he is a男孩].

用am,is,are填空 boy.

eyes --black.

34what colouryour hair。35we --a happy family。


many --friend] do you h**e/?37---close] the window.38he] name is bob.

39nice --meet] you.40what --be] that?


你叫什么名字what s your name 我的名字叫李明。my name is liming.这是一个男孩。this is a boy.这是一个女孩。this is a girl.这是一位老师。this is a teacher.他的名字叫什么what s his name 他的名字叫李明。hi...


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1 i live in china 我住在中国 2 what s your name?你的名字叫什么?3 what s her name?她名字叫什么?4 what s his name?他的名字叫什么?5 what is this?这是什么?it is a book.它是一本书。6 how are...