
发布 2022-11-22 02:13:28 阅读 3699


班级: 姓名: 得分:


一、listen and write.听音,把你听到字母的大小写写在下面的四线格内。(10分)

二、listen and choose.听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)

三、listen and choose.根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语。(8分)

1.( name is amy.

from xhina.

2.( from america. am mike.

is a boy.

3.( morning! afternoon!

4.( right.

you are.

四、listen and number.听音,给下列句子标上正确的序号。(12分)

)i’m from canada.

)this is my friend,tutu.

)nice to meet you.

)where are you from?



a.a. n,e

) 3. el___ph__nt

a. e,a

) 4. s___ud___nt

a. d,e

a. 二、把a栏与b栏中的相应的问、答语连线。

ab1. what’s your namea. it’s an apple

2. what’s thisb. my name is amy.

3. nice to meet you againc. fine,thank you.

4. how are youd. nice to meet you ,too.

5. what do you likee. i like some coke.

6. where are you fromf. good morning,mr black.

7. good morning boys and girlsg. i’m from america

8. what colour is ith. it’s blue.

youi. goodbye!

sorryk. it’s ok


( )1.如果在晚上你去mike家,你应说:

a good moring. b. good evening. c. good afternoon.

( )2.如果你想知道对方是哪个国家的人,你应问:

country are you? are you from?

are you come?

( )3.如果你把amy介绍给你的朋友,你应说:

is amy. is amy. amy.

( )4.如果你想向对方介绍自己,你可以说:

a. hi,i’m bai ling. b. hi,this is bai ling.

c. am i bai ling.

四、我会判。读一读,并判断。对的用“t” 错的用“f”表示。

girl: hello! i’m amy, what’s your name?

boy: my name is mike. i’m from canada. where are you from?

girl: i’m from america. nice to meet you!

boy: nice to meet you, too!

)1. amy is a boy2. amy is from china

)3. mike is a girl. (4。 mike is from canada


)1、 from america

a. i b . i’m c. i m

) 2 welcome to school

a . book b. back c. black

) 3 watch

a. this

) 4 nicemeet you

a . too b./

) 5 ia girl.

a . am b. is c. are

)6 is my friend , mike

a. that b. this c it


cheng jie: good morning !

amy: (1

cheng jie:nice to meet you .

amy: (2

cheng jie: (3

amy: my name is amy .

cheng jie: (4

amy: i’m from america.

are you from ? b. nice to meet you ,too.

your name? d. good morning

听力材料。一、a c b d e



is your name?


some tea,mom.

四、 to meet you.

from canada.

are you from?

is my friend ,tutu.


一、aa cc bb dd ee

二、c a b b c

三、b b a b

四、2 4 1 3

笔试部分。一、b c a c a

二、1-b 2-a 3-d 4-c 5-e

6-g 7-f 8-h 9-i 10-k

三、b b b a

四、f f f f

五、b b c c a b

六、d b c a


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