PEP三年级下1 3单元

发布 2022-11-18 15:07:28 阅读 7467



part i 口试部分(30分)

part ii 听力部分(40分)

四、listen and choose听单词,选出与你所听内容意思相符的**,将其序号写在题前括号内。(10分)(读两遍)


abc. 第1页。

5. abc.

五、listen and circle 听音选择正确的**。(10分)(读两遍)

第2页。六、.listen and number (读两遍)听一听,排一排。根据你所听到的内容选择答句,在答句前面的括号内填入序号。(10分)

) good morning, miss wang.

) i’m from america.

) my name is mike.

) very well, thank you.

) good morning . what is your name ?

七、listen and match 听录音,将下列人物与其国籍连起来。(10分)

amywu yifansarahjohnchen jie


part iii 读写部分(30分)


)1. what's your namea. my name is amy.

)2. where are you fromb. i'm from china.

)3. who's that am the student!”

)4. can you read is my father.


( )1.— is that man? —he is my grandfather.

a. what b. who

to meet you

a . nice to meet you ,too. b. goodbye

第3页。3. my mother is from china. b:she uses(使用) .

a. fork(叉子 ) b. chopsticks(筷子)

4.—who’s thatb:she’s my grandmother.

( )5 — the elephant is not small . it is

a. fat b. big

)6. a: who’s thatb: she’s my mother.

a. man b. woman c. girl d. boy

( )7. a: who’s that man? bis my father.

a. he b. she c. he d. she

8. a: who’s that woman? bmy mother.

a. she’s b. she’s c. he’s d. he’s

( )9. thismy friend, ann. she __from america.

a. is… am b. is …is c. is … am d. is …is

)10. a: who’ thisb: he’s my brother.

a. boy b. girl

) 11. a: who’ this girl? bmy sister.

a. he’s b. she’s

)12. a: i am __china

a. 不填 b. from


look at this photo(**).this woman is my is man is my is girl is my is 11. the little boy is me.

i am they love me very much.

( )woman is my mother is 37.

( )father is am six.

( )are four people in my family



1 3单元易错题集。姓名班级。1 做一套大型帷幕要用41米,现在要做19套,请估算大约需要多少米这样的布。2 李大伯收货的土豆装在同样的袋子里,一共装了50袋,他称了其中5袋,分别重42千克 39千克 38千克 40千克 41千克,他一共大约收获了多少千克土豆?3 每箱牛奶12瓶,32箱一共多少瓶?...


unit 3 at the zoo 第一课时。教材分析 本课时主要学习四个形容词fat,tall,short,thin及句型look at that it s so 要求学生学会形容词及句型并要求学生能够理解对话大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话并进行交流。teaching aims 1 句型 it ...

三年级语文12 13下

钟山学校2012 2013学年度第二学期。三年级语文第一次月考试卷。一 我能拼得准,还能写得棒 10分 j l ng li n peng f ng f d ng y ng q ng ting y n zi y shang b l i ai j ji w n z qi n h ng 二 魔幻汉字 巧加...