
发布 2022-11-03 04:47:28 阅读 4652


1.一场时装表演 a fashion (n.) show

一位时尚的明星 a fashionable (adj.) super star

in fashion out of fashion

2. 我正在考虑穿什么。

i’m thinking about what to wear. (疑问词+ to do)

think about/doing sth. 考虑某事/做某事 think of (doing) sth. 考虑/想起做某事。

what to wear:特殊疑问词+动词不定式,含义为:穿什么。

i don’t know what to do. please tell me how to do it.(wh-word + to do sth. )


what do you think of my red gloves? (they’re nice.) how do you like my red gloves?

4. 那是对的。 that’s right.

5.狗不穿衣服。dogs don’t wear clothes.

put on … 穿上(动作) wear … 穿着(状态)= be in …

dress sb 给某人穿衣服 dress up 打扮,装扮。

辨析dress up as …,dress up in…, dress up for …)

6. 我能再睡十分钟觉。i can spend ten more minutes

= another ten minutes) in bed then.

be in bed/ hospital/ prison…

再来多少… 数词 + more … another + 数词 …

再多一分one more point= another point (another+单数名词)

再多五个苹果five more apples = another five apples

再来一些书 some more books 再来几个蛋糕 a few more cakes

再来一些牛肉 a little more beef


this pen costs me 10 yuan. (物cost人+钱)

= i pay 10 yuan for this pen. (人pay 钱for 物)

i spend 10 yuan on this pen/ (in) buying this pen.

] spend time ..on sth. 某人花…时间在某事物上

] spend time … in) doing sth. 某人花…时间做某事。


it takes me half an hour to go to school by bus.

] takes sb time to do sth.

= [takes sb time.做某事花了某人…时间。

8. 你是如此之懒。 you’re so lazy. (hard-working)

9. 你能把红色衬衫借给我来进行时装表演吗?

can you lend me your red blouse for our fashion show?

借出 lend sb. sth. =lend sth. to sb. 借进 borrow sth. from…

10.当然。of course./ sure./ certainly.

11. 你的尺码是多少?m号。 what is your size? size m./ i’m a size m.

你的衬衫多少码子?4码。 what size is your blouse? size 4.

12.它对我来说太大了。 it’s too large/ big for me.


1.女士们先生们 ladies and gentlemen

2.我是来自七1班的米莉。i’m millie from class 1, grade 7.

3. 向你们展示不同风格的衣服 show you different styles(复数) of clothes

1)show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb.把某物(出示/展示)给某人看。

2) show sb. how to do sth. 演示给某人看如何做某事。

3) show sb. around 带领某人参观。

4) show 演出,秀 * on show 被展示,上演。

与…不同be different from…/ be the same as…

4. 看一看… (take/ h**e a) look at…

5. 穿运动装 wear sports clothes

put up your raincoat! it’s raining outside. but i know you don’t like wearing the raincoat.

look at the girl in white!

she always dresses herself up at home.

put up, wear, be in, dress up)

6. 运动鞋轻便并且在年轻人中受欢迎。

trainers are light and comfortable and are popular among

young people (=the young).

1) be popular with sb. 受… 喜欢/欢迎。

2) among 在…中间 “三者或三者以上“

between 在…中间 “两者之间” between meals/ classes between… and…

7. 西蒙来了。here comes simon.(倒装句) =simon is coming.


如果主语是代词时,不需要倒装,如:here you are.


a pair of comfortable long red leather boots




his red and grey tie matches his clothes very well.

…go well with...

this pair of trainers fits my feet very well

sth. match sth. sth. fit sb.(very well)

10. look cool/ clean/ smart/ modern/ beautiful…

11. 他们俩都带着蓝色围巾。

both of them are wearing blue scarves.

both… and… all of…

both 指两个人或物,all 指三个或三个以上的人或物。

both 和 all 位于be动词之后,行为动词之前。

12. 今天的表演到此为止。that’s all for today’s show.

她看起来很时尚而美丽。she looks modern and beautiful.

13. 谢谢莅临! thanks for coming!

14. 多么好的表演!

how great the show is! (how+ adj./ adv.) what a great show it is! (what+ 名词短语)

15. the desk is made of wood. (看得见原材料)(对材料提问用what is/are…made of?)

***** is made from wood. (看不见原材料)(对材料提问用 what is/are…made from?)

this car is made in china.(对某地提问用where is/are…made?)

these cakes are made by mum.(对某人提问用who is/are…made by?)

be made into sth. 被制作成某物(后面接成品)(对sth.提问用 what is/are…made into?)


my present is different from amy’sis the same as…

17. 这支笔花了我10元。

this pen costs me 10 yuan. (物cost人+钱)

= i pay 10 yuan for this pen. (人pay 钱for 物)

i spend 10 yuan on this pen/ (in) buying this pen.

人spend 钱/时间 on sth./ in) doing sth.)

坐公车上学花费我半小时。 it takes me half an hour to go to school by bus. (it takes sb.

时间 to do sth.)



write a letter to her friend about the fashion show

2. 写信给… write (a letter) to…

3. sandy is a member of the basketball team.


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