
发布 2022-10-11 18:33:28 阅读 4518

unit 3 life in the future 同步练习。




2.结果 3.容忍,忍受。














18. 印象。


20. 不断地(adv

21. 不安的,未定的,不稳定的。

22. 患有…疾病,因…受苦。

23. 药片。

24. 不确切的。

25. 太空舱,胶囊。

26. 闪回,倒叙。

27. 在前的,早先的。

28. 女乘务员。

29. 乘务员。

30. 周围的事物,环境。

31. 结合,组合(n

32. 调整(n

33. 盘旋。

34. 按,压,逼迫。

35. 系牢。

36. 打扫,横扫。

37. 缺乏,短缺的东西。

38. 给某人提供某物。

39. 筋疲力尽的。

40. 开关,转换。


1. he decided tophotography as his career.

2. i was illi couldn’t take the exam.

3. the strong wind the le**es off the street.

4. his health greatly he**y drinking.

5. the old photo me my childhood.

6. i a young man slip(溜进)into the backyard.

7. you’ll be required to mrs. smith preparing a report.

8. he his car after escaping from the prison.


1. he told me about the thing sat the meeting.

a. to discuss b. being discussed

c. discussed d. to be discussed

2. a metal uranium(铀)gives off a kind of radiation.

a. callingb. calledc. is calledd. which called

3. the water in this glass is too hot. i prefer some cold water.

a. to boilb. h**ing boiled c. boiledd. boiling

4. this is the building during the qing dynasty.

a. builtb. to be built c. buildingd. being built

5. andthey ran out of the room.

a. being excited;happilyb. exciting;happy

c. exciting;happilyd. excited;happy

6. from this point of the view,the question will be of great importance.

a. consideringb. considered

c. being consideredd. consider

of the danger,he still went skating on the thin ice.

a. warning b. to warn c. warnd. warned

8. the clock yesterday doesn’t work well.

a. bought b. being bought c. to buyd. to be bought

9. the problem just is an important one.

a. to be referred tob. referred to

c. referring tod. referred

10. the teacher,he made great progress.

a. educatingb. h**ing educated by

c. educated byd. to be educated by


and more chinese citizens own p___cars now as a result of an increase in their income.

received a good education after定居) in america.

first speech as president made a strong i___on his audience(听众).

**oid meeting him,as he is c___disturbing me.

two of the药片) three times a day before meals.

people attended the (开业典礼) of the new sports centre.


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