
发布 2022-08-19 20:32:28 阅读 1370



1. stomach胃,肚子---stomachache胃疼,肚子疼, head头---headache头疼 tooth牙齿---toothache牙疼。

2. foot(复数)--feet tooth---teeth

3. lie躺---lay过去式---lying现在分词。

4. hurt过去式---hurt hit-- hit cut- cut put- put

5. climb名词--climber drive---driver

6. run-- running现在分词---ran过去式

7. mean过去式-- meant

8. important名词 --importance different --difference

9. decide名词-- decision

10. die名词---death

11. she反身代词---herself

12. our反身代词---ourselves

13. knife复数---knives

14. die名词---death

15. see 过去式-saw stop---stopped get-- got feel-- felt fall- fell lose-- lost catch --caught run-- ran think-- thought know-- knew keep-- kept break--broke

二短语。1. h**e a cold感冒。

2. h**e a fever发烧。

3. h**e a sore back 背疼。

4. h**e a stomachache胃疼。

5. h**e a nosebleed流鼻血。

6. fall down 跌到。

7. get sunburned 晒伤。

8. take a risk ==take risks 冒险。

9. run out 用完。

10. one’s own 某人自己的。

11. lie down躺下。

12. h**e / take a rest休息一下。

13. hot tea with honey带蜂蜜的热茶。

14. coffee with milk 加奶的咖啡。

15. take one’s temperatue量体温 one’s f**orite subject某人最喜欢的科目 do one’s homework 做作业 try one’s best 尽某人最大的努力 make one’s bed 铺床 to one’s surprise 令某人惊奇的是 take one’s order 点菜。

16. chinese doctor中医 chinese medicine中药 school doctor校医 school nurse 学校**。

17. all day 一整天 all weekend 一整个星期。

18. see / watch/ hear /sb doing sth看见/ 观察/ 听见某人正在做某事。

19. see / watch/ hear /sb do sth看见/ 观察/ 听见某人做某事的全过程。

20. think twice 慎重考虑。

21. think of认为。

22. think about思考。

23. think up 想出。

24. get on上车 get off下车 give up 放弃,抽出 get into陷入 get into trouble陷入困难 get out of 摆脱 give in屈服。

25. a heart problem心脏病

26. expect to do sth 希望做某事。

27. agree to /with/ on 同意某人的计划安排、同意某人的观点,就某事达成一致意见。

28. thanks for为。。。而感谢 thanks to 由于,多亏,29. in time 及时on time 按时。

30. put some medicine on it 敷药。

31. put a bandage on it 绑绷带。

32. put your head down把头低下。

33. mean doing sth 意味着做某事。

34. run it under water 用水冲洗。

35. get an x-ray拍片。

36. cut oneself割伤自己。

37. cut one’s knee摔到膝盖。

38. tell ask sb to do sth 告诉、要求某人做某事。

39. take sb to sp take sb to do sth 带某人去某地,带某人去做某事。

40. h**e problems in doing sth 做某事有问题 h**e no problems in doing sth 做某事没问题。

41. h**e a good time in doing sth 愉快的做某事。

42. spend time in doing sth 花时间做某事。

43. by bus乘公车 by oneself靠某人自己 get hit on the head by a ball被球打到。

44. be interested in 对。感兴趣。

45. be used to doing sth 习惯做某事。

46. look forword to doing sth 期盼做某事。

47. be in control of 掌控,管理。

48. keep on doing sth继续做某事。

49. difficult situation 困境。

三句子。1. 某人某物怎么了?what’s the matter,problem,trouble with sb or sth?

2. 发生了什么 what happened?

3. 你还好吗 are you ok?

4. 我该做什么what should i do ?

5. 我在踢足球时伤到了自己i hurt myself playing the soccer.

6. 我累到什么都不想说i am so tried that i don’t want to say anything .

7. 他绑上绷带,以便他不会失血过多he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.

8. 她给玛丽打**道歉she called mary so that she said sorry to her .

9. 我想去一个没人认识我地地方i want to a place where nobody knows me.

10. 他喜欢能让他欢笑的朋友he likes friends who make him laugh.

11. 阿伦是一个对登山感兴趣的人 aron is a man who is interested in mountain climbing

12. 血浓于水 blood is thicker than water .

13. 时间不等人 time waits no man .

14. 我看到一个小男孩在角落里哭泣 i saw a little boy crying in the corner .

15. 他习惯于早起 he is used to getting up early in the morning.

16. 琳达过去常常开车上班 linder used to drive to work .

17. 他学习英语有问题 he has problems in learing english.

18. 莉莉唱歌唱的很高兴 lily had a good time singing.

19. 我们每天花两个小时做作业 we spend two hours doing our homework.


1. too many+可数名词复数 too much +不可数名词 much too + 形容词。

2. so that 以便,由于 i called up bob so that i can say sorry to him.

3. so ..that 如此,以至于 i was so tried that i didn’t want to say anything.

4. because +句子 because the weather is too bad ,i didn’t go to the park.

5. because of +名词 because of the bad weather ,i didn’t go to the park .

6. be used to 习惯做某事 she is used to living in the countryside.

7. usede to 过去常常做某事 he used to drive to work.

4.作文。how to keep healthy (a)

it’s imporant but difficult for us to keep healthy .as a middle school student ,we should h**e a healthy lifestyle. here is some advice.

first , we should do exercise at least one hour a day.,such as running and walking in the park ,so we can breath fresh air there . no sports ,no life .

it’s good for our mind and body. second ,we must eat more fruit and vegetables. an apple a day keep the doctor don’t eat too much junk food .

third,we should’t spend too much time going bad for our eyes and study. fouth,we h**e to go to bed early. enough sleep can make us active next moring.

finally,be happy every day .

if we can do these ,i believe we will be healthier and healthier.


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