
发布 2022-08-16 12:07:28 阅读 5968

unit10 where did you go on vacation?


一、单词。new york city 纽约市、camp 野营;营地、summer camp 夏令营、guide 向导、

museum 博物馆、central 中心的;位于中心的、didn’t= did not、exam 考试;检查、

really 真的;是吗;真是的、rainy 下雨的;多雨的、were are的过去式、

fantastic 极好的、unfriendly 不友善的;不友好的、awful 极坏的;极讨厌的、

delicious 美味的、expensive 昂贵的;价高的、crowded 拥挤的、

cheap 廉价的;便宜的、think of 思考;考虑、water 水、cry 流泪;哭泣、corner 角落;街角;墙角、make 使;促使;迫使、made make的过去式、feel 感到;觉得、

walk 走;步行;散步、back 回原处;往回去、decide 决定;下决心、

wall墙壁;围墙;城墙、the great wall 万里长城、palace 宫殿、

the palace museum 故宫、square 广场、tian’an men square 天安门广场、

hutung 胡同、make 做;制作、classmate 同班同学、discuss 讨论;议论、

report 报告;汇报、sex 性别。

二、短语。ptetty good 相当好;不错。

in the conner 在角落。

kind of boring 有点无聊。

be lost 迷路。

feel happy 感到高兴。

be fun 很有趣。

on vacation 在度假。

central park **公园。

the great wall 长城。

the palace museum 故宫。

tian’an men square 天安门广场。


1. what did you do? 你做了什么?i played tennis. 我打过网球。

what did you do last weekend?上个周末你做了什么?

i studied for the math test. 我为(准备)数学测试学习了。

2. what about your friend? 你的朋友怎么样?

what about …?怎么样? 3.

how was your weekend? 你的周末怎样?

it was great/ok. 很棒/很不错。it wasn’t very good. 不大好。

4. we asked sb. what he did last weekend.

我们问某人他上周周末干了什么事。 5. do you think everyone enjoys their weekends?


6. it was time to go home. 是时候回家了。it is / was time to do sth. 是该做某事了。

7. what did you do last weekend? on sunday morning, i watched tv.


8. i studied for the science test. 我研究的科学试验。

9. what /how about your friend ,carol? she practiced english.


10. how was your weekend? it's was great. /good. /it wasn't good. /it was not bad.


11. how was your mom's weekend? 你妈妈在周末做什么?

12. you went to the mountains. 你去爬山了。

13. yesterday, we asked ten students at no.3 middle school what they did last weekend.


14. for most students, the weekend was fun. 对于大部分学生来说,周末是愉快的。

15. i had a busy weekend. 我度过了繁忙的周末。

i had a busy day yesterday=i was busy all day yesterday. 我昨天度过了繁忙的一天。

16. my aunt cooked dinner for me. 我姑姑为我做晚饭。

17. i read a book about history. 我读了一本关于历史的书。

18. do you think everyone enjoys their weekends?


19. he sat down and watched the dog play with a friendly black cat.


20. he looked for hid dog, but it wasn't there. 他找他的狗,但是它不在那儿。

21. it was time to go home. 该是回家的时候了。

22. he doesn't want to do anything. 他什么都不想做。

23. i practice speaking english every morning. 我每天早上练习讲英语。

24. on saturday morning, i cleaned my room. 在星期六上午,我打扫了我的房间。

25. it’s time for lunch=it’s time to h**e lunch. 是吃午饭的时间了。

26. he wants to do nothing=he doesn’t want to do anything. 他什么也不想做。

where did you go on vacation? 你去**度假了?

i went to the mountains. 我去山区了。did you go to the movies?

你去看电影了吗?yes, i did/no, i didn’t. 是的,我是/不,我不是的。

四、语法 1. 一般过去时态表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常与过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday,last night,two days ago等

2. 一般过去时态的构成:

肯定句:主语+ 动词的过去时

i visited my grandfather last weeked.



was/were+主语+其他? yes,主语+was/were ./no , 主语+was not. /were not.

were you at home last night? yes, i was. no ,i wasn't.


did +主语+其他 ? yes, 主语+did. /no, 主语+didn't.

did you clean your room yesterday? yes, i did. no, i didn't.


主语+was/were+ not + 其他

例如:she was not busy yesterday.


主语 + didn't + 其他

例如:tom didn't do his homework last night.

3. how about = what about ……怎么样?

what about + v-ing ?做某事怎么样?

例如:what about going shopping?去购物怎么样?

what about +sth ? 某物怎么样? what about the watch?这块手表怎么样?

what about +sb? 某人怎么样? /某人的观点意见怎么样?

例如:what about your mother?你妈妈怎么样?

my mother likes the scarf , what about your mother?


4. spend --spent 度过,花费

sb spend some time (in ) doing sth 某人花一段时间做某事

sb spend some time on sth 某人花一段时间在某事上

例如:① i spent 2 hours in doing my homework.我花了2 个小时做我的家庭作业。

② i spent 2 hours on my homework.我花了2 小时在我的家庭作业上。

sb spend some money (on )doing sth某人花钱买某物

sb spend some money on sth.某人花钱在某物上

例如:① i spent 10yuan on buying this dictionary. 我花了10元钱买这本词典。

② i spent 10yuan on this dictionary . 我花了10元钱在这本词典上。

5. cook ……for = cook sb sth 为某人做…….

例如:my aunt cooked dinner for me . my aunt cooked me dinner.


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