
发布 2022-08-08 16:58:28 阅读 7895

unit9 when was it invented?

section b




7.这样8.发出怡人的香味9. in the 1950s10. in the sixth century

11. according to an ancient chinese legend, the emperor shen nong discovered teawhen he was boiling drinking water over an open fire.

12. some le**es from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for sometime.

13. the emperor noticed that the le**es in the water produced a pleasant 学***。

1. who invented tea?谁发明了茶?

请比较:who was tea invented by?茶是由谁发明的?

2. although tea wasn’t brought to the western world until 1610,…not…until…的意思是“直到……,才……。

we didn’t finish our work until midnight yesterday.我们昨天午夜才结束工作。

mr chen won’t come here to see us until he returns to china.直到陈先生回到中国才能来看我们。3.

discover, find out和invent的区别。

discover, find out和invent都有“发现”的意思,但各自又有自己的特点。

1)discover的意思是“发现”,指发现的对象是原本就存在的,只是以前不知道。xiao ming discovered a new star in the sky last night.小明昨天晚上发现了空中的一颗新星。

2)invent的意思是“发明”,发明的对象是以前从来没有过的新东西。do you know who invented bicycles?你知道谁发明的自行车吗?

3)find out是指“发现;查明”,强调找出原因,发现情况等。in the end, the old grandma found out the number of the children.老奶奶最后终于弄清了孩子们的数量。


didn’t comethe bell rang.

a. untilb. atc. whend. before2. the chips are veryso i like them very much.

a. deliciousb. badc.

terribled. expensive3. _he isn’t tall enough,he is good at becauseb.

afterc. althoughd. since4.

my bedroom __every morning. my mom __cleans/ is cleaning b. is cleaned/ cleans c.

cleaned/ cleaning5. i think the telephone was one of the greatest __a. invented b.

inventors c. inventions6. this kind of tv set __shenzhen.

a. are made inb. are made ofc.

is made ind. is made of7. a cook can’t cook well if he doesn’t __tasteb.

lookc. feeld. sound8.

they sprinkled some sugar __the inb. atc. withd.

on9. ***** and printingin china.

a. were both inventedb. was inventedc.

are both inventedd. is invented10. -a number of students___in the dining hall.

--let me count. the number of students __about are, isb. is, arec.

are, ared. is, is改写句子。

took care of the baby yesterday evening,the babyby jim yesterday evening.

should read more books to improve their reading skills. (2024年中考)teenagers' reading skills canif they read more birdgive) some food by joan every day. (2024年中考) door is too small.

the elephant can’t go through it. (同义句)

the door issmallthe elephantgo through door is notthe elephant___go through.完成句子。


do you know __the telephone2.昨天一辆汽车掉进了那条河,幸运的是司机安然无恙。

a carthe river, butthe driver was all right.3.我爸爸今天早上在公共汽车上偶然遇到一位老朋友。

my father met an old friendon the bus this morning.4.伦敦奥运主场馆设计成碗状,其顶部由钢结构支撑。


by a steel frame. “london bowl” represents full of hope.


张简。一 主要单词。pl.1.裤子2 短袜n3男衬衣 衬衫n.4.短裤n5.毛衣n6.裙子n.7.廉价销售n8.元9.颜色n.10.黑色 的11.白色 的12.黄色 的。13.短的 矮的adj14.职员 办事员n15.需要 想要v.16.不必客气的adj.17.例子 实例n.18.十一 19.十二2...

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