
发布 2022-08-01 04:07:28 阅读 2338


课题:unit14_i remember meeting all of you in grade 7. sectiona1a-2d



1. 能够掌握本课出现的重点短语和句子。 2. 能够准确理解3a课文。

3. 能够用自己的语言描述生活中难忘的经历。会总结自己的得失。

过程与方法 :listening reading practicing





一、 情境引入:

二、 交流展示一。单项选择。

1. we should rememberthe lights when we le**e rooms.

a. turn off b. to turn off c. turning off d. turned off

2 . don’t forget___your photos here.

a. to bring b. bringing c. brought d. brings

3. i used to___bad grades in the final exam.

a. get b. got c. getting d. gotton

4. itthree years since i came to this school.

a. has been b. been c. has was d. has is

5. they were made __day and night those days .

a work b worked c to work d works


6. he has problemspeak) english .he plans __practice) it every day

to improve it .

7. li lei is used toread) news*****s after finishing his homework.

8. i want to make my parentslive) happier one day.

9. too many hours oftrain) made me tired.

10. my time in junior school has beenenjoy).

11. i’m looking forward togo) to senior high school.

12. whathappen) in grade8 that was special?


9.现在到毕业时间了。 now it’s time


i can’t believe

四、.慢慢地我交了一些新朋友。 slowly isome new

完形填空。the sun, the moon 1___the stars are in the sky. we see the sun 2___the daytime and the moon and the stars at night.

we see well during the day because it is light. we do not see so 3___at night because it is 4___

daylight comes from the sun. the sun gives a strong light, but 5___gives only a faint (暗淡)light.

if we draw the curtain (窗帘), it keeps dark in the 6___when it is dark we must turn 7___the light if we want to see. the sun 8___in the east and goes down in the 9___day begins in the morning and ends in the evening. 10 __begins in the evening and ends in the morning.

1. a. or b. so c. and d. but

2. a. in b. at c. from d. with

3. a. badly b. poorly c. good d. well

4. a. black b. weak c. too bright d . dark

5. a. the earth b. the moon c. the sun d. the star

6. a. room b. open c. sky d. field

7. a. off b. over c. ond. in

8. a. grows b. rises(升起) c. raises (举起) d. gets up

9. a. west b. east c. south d. north

10. a. afternoon b. night c. evening d. time



请以“i expect my school life”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。






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