
发布 2022-08-03 03:37:28 阅读 8002

3. light un. 光线,光亮 eg. the light of the sun the light of the fire

cn. 电灯译:开灯关灯交通灯灯泡。

v. 点着,开灯过去式___过去分词___译:点香烟___生火___

adj. ①浅色的。反义词___轻的。 反义词亮的反义词___

其他表达: light music light shoes light wind and light rain

lighted: 在名词前面做定语 a lighted match

4. hit v. 过去式过去分词。

①hit+介词+身体部位 eg. she was so angry that she hit him on the head with a book.

hit sb.__the head hit sb.__the back hit sb.__the nose hit sb.__the face

②打击,影响某人。 译:他深受这个坏消息的打击。

③红极一时的人或事物。 they sang their latest hit.

her new film is quite a hit. hit parade

beat=hit repeatedly ①接连地打beat a drum②意外施与人或物的动作 the car hit the man.

5. appear v. 反义词___

they are going to appear on cctv next month.

the police appeared at the crucial moment.

he didn’t appear until six.

appear 也可以做连系动词,意思是“看起来,好像”。

it appeared (it seemed) that he knew nothing about it.

she appeared/seemed very confident.

appearance n.

michael jackson’s first appearance on the stage was at the age of 5.

don’t judge by appearance.

6. turn




向左拐到bridge street转过身向后转。

其他短语。to 幸亏,由于,因为。

译: 多亏了你的帮助,我们才能及时解决了问题。


8. strong & strongly

strong adj.① 身心方面强有力的,强壮的,强大的,坚固的。 反义词___

译: 强大的军队强风结实的鞋子坚强的意志浓烈的译:浓茶强烈的味道。

strongly adv. ①坚定地,坚决地译:他们极力劝我接受邀请。


9. look forward to

译: 孩子们都盼望着春节。


其他介词后加动名词的常见表达: pay attention to, be interested in, spend…(in) doing…

show/h**e/take an interest in, h**e fun/h**e a …time/enjoy oneself (in) …

look 短语总结:看起来像看起来相似。





out &clean up

clean out 指把房子内部彻底打扫干净,或是指耗尽某人的钱财或把…偷光。

eg. the new york trip cleaned us out.

the thieves cleaned out the shop in an hour.

clean up 指打扫或清理干净,也可指清楚不好的行为,清理,整顿等。

eg. the waiter hurried to clean up the pieces of the broken plates.

the new mayor decided to clean up the city.


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