
发布 2022-08-01 01:20:28 阅读 7850

unit 3 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes



1. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(主动语态)如:

mother allows me to watch tv every night. 妈妈允许我每晚看电视。

be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事(被动语态)如:lily is allowed to go to qinzhou. 莉莉被允许去钦州。

练习:( 1. i __to h**e a part-time job.

a. am not allow b. not allow c. don’t allow d. am not allowed

)2. sixteen-year-olds shouldn’tto go to an internet bar.

a. be allowed b. be allow c. allow d. are allowed

)3. _middle school students allowed to use mobile phone at school?

a. do b. did c. are d. can

)4. students __to use e-mail english in everyday writing.

a. may not b. can’t c. shouldn’t d. shouldn’t be allowed

2. get their ears pierced 穿耳洞。

让/使(别人)做某事 get sth. done(过去分词) h**e sth. done 如:

i get my car repaired. =i h**e my car repaired. 我让别人修好我的车。

i want to h**e my hair cut. 我要理发。

3. enough 足够

形容词+enough 如:beautiful enough 足够漂亮。

enough+名词如:enough food 足够食物。

enough to 足够…去做… 如:

i h**e enough money to go to beijing. 我有足够的钱去北京。

she is old enough to go to school.她够大去读书了。

练习:( i don’t think teenagers should be allowed to do homework with friends, because they are __

a. not enough quiet b. not quiet enough

c. too not quiet d. enough not quiet

4. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 please stop speaking.请停止说话。

stop to do sth. 停止下来去做某事 please stop to speak. 请停下来说话。

5. 看起来好像…sb. seem to do sth. =it seems that +从句。

he seems to feel very sad. it seems that he feels very sad.


6. be strict with+人。 be strict in+事物。 例: the head teacher is strict with his students

he is strict in the work.

7. 对… 热衷, 对…兴趣。

be serious about doing 如:she is serious about dancing. 她对跳舞热衷。

be serious about sth. 如:she is serious about him. 她对他感兴趣。

8. agree和disagree的用法。

agree意为“赞成,同意”,用来表示同意某人的意见、观点等;可以单独使用,也可以接由with, to, on等引导的介词短语或接从句。

agree/disagree with sb同意/不同意某人。

agree / disagree on sth同意/不同意某事。

agree / disagree + that 从句同意/不同意……

shall we go to the zoo tomorrow? 我们明天去动物园,好吗?

i agree. 我同意。

i quite agree with you. 我完全赞成你的意见。

do you agree on this plan? 你同意这个计划吗?

知识拓展:agree with, agree to和agree on都表示“同意”,但用法不同。

agree with表示“同意”,后面接表示人的名词或代词,也可以接表示“意见,看法”的名词。

we all agree with him. 我们都同意他的意见。do you agree with my ideas? 你同意我的观点吗?

特别提示:agree with也可以表示“某人适应(食物、气候等)”。the weather doesn’t agree with me. 我不适应这种天气。

agree to表示“同意”,后面接表示“计划,建议,安排”等的名词,接动词原形时构成动词不定式结构。

he agreed to our plan at last. 最后他同意了我们的计划。

they agreed to come on monday. 他们同意星期一来。

agree on表示“(两人以上)就……取得一致意见,在……方面意见一致”,其主语多为复数形式,宾语是表示事、计划等的名词,而不是表示人的名词或代词。they agreed on the plan.

2)disagree是agree的反义词,相当于not agree。

练习:( i think teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to smoke.

i agree __you.

a. with b. on c. about d. for

9. need的用法指主语的主观特殊情况而需要。



作实义动词时,need同别的行为动词一样,有人称和数的变化,后接带to do的不定式,此时,否定式要在need前面加don’t (doesn’t, didn’t),疑问句用do (does, did)提问。

注意: 作情态动词用时, need只用于疑问句中和否定句中,而在肯定句中常用must, h**e to, should, ought to等。

语法:1. 被动语态。


cats eat fish. (主动语态)猫吃鱼。

fish is eaten by cats. (被动语态) 鱼被猫吃。


由“助动词be +及物动词的过去分词”构成。

助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be 作为连系动词时完全一样。



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