
发布 2022-07-31 01:36:28 阅读 8302

第一课时(七年级上册unit 3-4)

自学】unit 3


this isthat is …

these arethose are …

词汇:1. thanks for (sth/doing sth) 2. pen pal

3. family photo4. take a photo

unit 4

句子询问地方 where is / are … it’s …/they are …

核心知识。1. 词汇课p24 12. take 与bring 的区别。

3. there be 的用法4. on the wall

5. 介词:on , in , under , behind , next to , between…and…

自教】一) 特殊疑问词:1、时间:a:

具体时间:what time b:不定时间:

when 2、地点:where 3、人:a:

主语: who +原句?b:

宾语:who+助动词 4、事物:what 5、方式、程度:

how 6、年龄:how old 7、数量:a:

how many +名词复数 b:how much +不可数名词;8、**:how much 9、原因:

why 10、颜色:what colour

二)、固定用法: 1、职业:what +do/does +主语+ do?

2、谓语动词:what +助动词+do/doing? 3、星期:

what day +be +it? 4、天气: a:

what +be +the weather like? b: how +be +the weather?

5、外貌:what + do/does + 主语 + look like? 6、对人/物看法:

what + do/does +主语+think of …?

练习:一、用be 动词填空。

1. i __you? pen __on the bed.

parents __at home. _your sister?

books __in the draw. brother __li ming.

color __your ruler? _my pencils. _lucy.


1. her books is over there. 2. can you bring they to the classroom?

a b c da b c d

3. are you know the boy’s name? 4.--where’s tom? –he is on the tree.

a b c dab c d


1.--this a bag? -yes, _a. is, it is b. is, it’s c. is, it is

2.--is this a ruler?--it’s a yes, i am. b. yes, it is. c. no, it isn’t

3. -where areare near the computer.

a. the books, they b. books, they c. books, it

4. the desks are __the in b. on c. under

5. -where’s the cd? -sorry,_ don’t know b. i’m not c. it isn’t

6. -where is the football

a. it’s under the desk. b.

it’s in the pencil-box. c. it’s on the wall.

7. -is that __eraser? -no, it’s __an, a b.

a, an c. an, an

8. -you are very nice. -a. no, i’m not. b. thank you c. sorry, i don’t

9. -is my pen?--it’s over what b. where c. how

九、完形填空 (10分)

mrs king: oh, bill, where are my shoes? can you see __1___

mr king: no, i __2__.are they __3___the bed?

mrs king: no, they aren’t under the bed. _4___they in your room?

mr king: no, they aren’t here.

mrs king: are they behind the desk?

mr king: let me see, oh, _5__ your shoes are over __6___

mrs king: really? oh, sorry, these shoes are old. i want(想要) _7___ones.

mr king: all _8_. let _9_help you find them. oh, they are here,_10 the box.

mrs king: yes, they are in the box. thank you, bill.

1. a. it b. them c. that 2. a. can’t b. aren’t c. don’t

3. a. in b. on c. under 4. a. are b. can c. are

5. a. listen b. see c. find 6. a. there b. here c. home

7. a. old b. new c. big 8. a. fine b. nice c. right

9. a. my b. i c. me 10. a. in b. behind c. under



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