
发布 2022-07-22 18:20:28 阅读 4023






1、talk show2、china culture3、soap opera4、good—looking5、agree with6、the great wall7、not…any more

8、the palace museam9、the children’s palace10、a large bowl of三、从ⅱ栏中找出ⅰ栏中问句的适当答语。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)

﹚1. what does your brother look like?a.

yes, they did.﹙﹚2. how was your weekend?

b. it’sten yuan﹙﹚3. what time did tom get to school?

c. he’s tall with brown hair﹙﹚4. did your parents go to the movies yesterday?

about six o’clock﹙﹚5. where does mr smith come from?e.

yes, there is.﹙﹚6. what is your best friend like?

f. they are playing soccer.﹙﹚7.

are the children playing soccer or basketball?g. i like chinese.

﹙﹚8. do you like english or chinese?h.

america.﹙﹚9. how much is the book?

i. she is really friendly.﹙﹚10.

is there a post office near here?j. it was great.

四、根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。﹙5分﹚ often v___my grandmother.

did you go on vlast year?

went shopping last night, but the shops were too c4 .my brother usually alate for likes the scarf, but i don’t sit.五、用所给词的适当形式填空。

﹙10分﹚1、don’teat﹚in the classroom.

2、theygo﹚to the beach last weekend.3、miss wang isfriend﹚to us.

4、look! the boysplay﹚soccerover there.5、they enjoylisten﹚to music.

6、there aren’tsome﹚mutton in the fridge.7、shewash﹚clothes every morning.8、it’s___sun﹚.

let’s go out for awalk.

9、we h**e toclean﹚the classroom on school day.10、thank you forjoin﹚us.六、选择最佳的一个答案。﹙20分﹚

﹚ are from australia, can you __japanese?a、speakb、sayc、tell﹙﹚ are a good girl

a、thank you very muchb、surec、ok﹙﹚3late for school again.

a. notb.not bec.don’t bed.aren’t

﹚4. this is my friend, he is aboy.

a、14-years-oldb、14 years oldc、14-year-old﹙﹚5. _did you go last sunday?--i went to the zoo


﹚ straight andleft. the hospital is next to the post office.


﹚ friend __a medium build and she __medium height.

a.has, hasb.is , isc.has, isd.is , has

﹚8.--how was your vacation, sarah

a.it’s pretty goodb.it was pretty goodc.it’s hotd.it was hot

﹚9. _sunday night , we went to

﹚10 how about __fishing thisafternoon?a、gob、goesc、going﹙﹚11i’d like some chicken.

a、do you like it?b、can i help you?c、what do you like?

﹙﹚like playing __guitar, but she doesn’t like playing __thec、\,the﹙﹚ doesn’t like math, lily doesn’t, _a、alsob、tooc、either

﹚14. she is a waiter. she is __at night, but she is free in the there a park near here

a、yes, there it isn’ there is.﹙﹚16. please be __it is a reading tv show is __so i want to sleep.


﹚ would you like___lunch?--a bowl of noodles,

﹚ _many people in the park wasb werec are﹙﹚ go out for a walk?


1、i’d like some chicken noodles.﹙划线部分提问you __

2、do your homework after school.﹙否定句﹚

your homework after school.

3、she gets up at six every morning.﹙一般疑问句﹚__sheat six every morning?4、his brother has some tomatoes.

﹙同2﹚his brothertomatoes.

5、what do you think of the tv show ?﹙同2you __the tv show?6、what can i do for you ?﹙同2

7、he watched tv last night.﹙同3﹚__he __tv last night?

8、mr. wang is teaching english in the classroom.﹙同1mr.

wang __in the classroom?9、mr. black is a little bit he**y.

﹙同1mr. black10、he is from japan.﹙划线部分提问﹚

he __八、完形填空(10分)

it51sunday yesterday. we has52 classes. i got up at 6:

30 53 morning. then my mother and i wanted to buy some school things: some books and a pen.

the shop56early inthemorning.57a lot of people in the were58, old and young. somethingsintheshopwerecheap, in the shop 59 friendly60.

51.a.isb.wasc.it’sd.it was52.a.nob.notc.not anyd.much53.a.inb.in thec.atd.at the54.a.shopsb.shoppingc.shoppingd.shop55.a.forb.toc.withd.at56.a.openb.openingc.is openingd.opened57.a. there isb.there hasc.there wered.there h**e58.a.man and womanb.mans and womans

c.men and womend.a man and a woman59.a.wasb.werec.didd.h**e60.a.for web.to usc.for ourd.to ours60.a.for web.to usc.for ourd.to ours九、阅读理解:(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)

abilly and sam were twins. they were in the same class. they were both very happy.

one daytheir teacher asked the class to write a composition(作文)“my mother”. sam wrote one, but billywas lazy. he just copied his brother’ next day, the teacher asked billy why his compositionwas the same as sam’s.

“we h**e the same mother, don’t we?”answered billy.根据短文内容判断句子正误,正确的填a,错误的填b。

61.sam was older than billy.

62.sam and billy were in different classes

63.the name of the composition was” my mother”64.billy’s composition was the same as sam’s65.billy was not lazy. he was very clever

btv programmers(节目)channel 1

18:00 around china18:30 cartoon network19:

00 news19:30 weather report19:40 around the world20:

10 tv play: sisters21:00 english for today21:

15 popular music21:55talk show

channel 2

17:45 computers today18:10 chinese arts18:

30 english classroom18:50 animal world19:25 china’s 200420:

20 sports

21:00 tv play: big family21:45 english news22:00 music

66.you want to know something about japan, you can watch___

a.weather reportb.china’s 2004c.around the worldd.animal world67.you are a football fan. you may watch tv at

a.19:00 on channel 2b.19:40channel 1c.20:

20channel 2d.21:15channel68.how long does the tv play“sisters”last(持续)?

a.30 minutesb.50 minutesc.90 minutesd.120 minutes69.you can watch __if you want to learn english.

a.english newsb.english classroomc.english for todayd.a、b and c70.children often like to watch

a.cartoon networkb.newsc.weather reportd.sports十、作文。﹙15分﹚谈一谈你学校的规章制度。

七年级下册英语期末试卷 2019新目标英语

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