
发布 2022-07-22 11:09:28 阅读 2273


1.a i 2.b d 3.g d 4.c e 5.a h

6.f h 7.j i 8.e f 9.a e 10.c d

二. 下列字母对应的大小写正确的打“√”错误的打“×”

) 1. g g2. b d3. c s4. d b ( 5. e e

) 6. f l7. h f8. k c9. i a





)1.what’s your name? a.great.

)2.good afternoon, john. b.i’m amy.

)3.let’s paintc.good afternoon, mike.

)4.how are youd.nice to meet you, too.

)5.nice to meet you. e.very well, thanks.

) 6. let’s go to school. too!

) 7. how are you fine ,thank you. idea.

) 8. i h**e a pencil box. too!

) 9. nice to meet you. a nice to meet you,too. b. how are you

) is bob. a. nice to meet


6. (a. arm b. pencil c. leg

7.( a. hand b. body c. your

8.( c. foot

9.( a face b. leg c .bye

10.( a. this b. body c. nose


) 1. look at me. this is my __脚) .b. leg c foot

)2. look at me. this is my __腿). b. leg c foot

)3. look at me. this is my __胳膊). b. leg c foot

)4 look at me. this is my___耳朵) .b. ear c hand

)5. look at me. this is my___手). b body c hand

) 6. look at my __头). a. head b .hand

) 7. this is my __鼻子). b .nose

)8. look at my __眼睛). b .eye

)9. look at my __腿). b . legs

)10. i h**e a red __嘴) .b .mouth





a. good afternoon. b. bye! c. good morning.


a. how old are you? b. how are you? c. fine, thank you.

)3.当你邀请别人画画时,你会说:a. ok. b. let’s paint. c. great!


a. show me your blue pen. b. show me your black pencil.

c. show me your blue pencil.

)5.你想让穿黑色衣服的同学站起来,应说: a. brown, brown. sit down.

b. black, black. stand up. c. black, black. sit down.

)6.你想让同桌把**里的书包涂成橙色,应说:a. colour the bag red.

b. colour the bag orange. c. colour the book orange.


a. nice to meet you. b. it’s nice. c. see you.

)8.向别人介绍你的朋友时,说:a. my name is jim. b. i’m jim. c. this is jim.


a. good morning. b. good afternoon. c. good bye.


pep小学英语三年级上册单元教学分析。recycle 2 主题 recycle 2 教材分析 本单元为复习单元。本部分主要复习1 6单元内容 动物类单词 食物类单词 数字类单词和会话的应用。能在实际情景中运用what s your name?how are you?what s this that?...


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