
发布 2022-05-16 01:11:28 阅读 2816


__一、根据汉语提示选择正确字母补全单词。(20分)7. run(现在分词)__8.

is not(缩写形式)__9. swim(现在分词)__10. do not(缩写形式)__三、选择最佳答案。


1. b_ by(婴儿a\i)3. dr_ w(画a\i)5.

n_ w(现在a\o)7. st_nd(站立a\u)9. d_ wn(向下o\i)11.

_oman(女人w\m)13. sl_ _p(睡觉ea\ee)15. c_ndy(糖果a\o)17.

s_ng(唱a\i)19. s_t(坐o\i)二、按要求写单词。(10分)

1. happy(反义词)__3. see(单三)__5.

i would(缩写形式)__2. p_ct_re(图画i\y; u\a)4. loo_(看k\x)6.

r_n(跑u\v)8. jum_(跳t\p)10. sorr_(对不起g\y)12.

t_ _k(交谈al\ol)14. _ungry(饥饿的h\l)16. _ance(跳舞d\j)18.

_ho(谁w\s)20. wat_ _水er\or)2. eat(对应词)__4.

like(单三)__6. thirsty(对应词)__

)1. jenny is __out of the window on the lookb. lookingc.

look()2. what __you doing?a.

amb. isc. are

)3. this man is __the inb. onc.

at()4. would you like __tea?a.

someb. anyc. /

)5. would you like some noodles?a.

no, yes, yes, thanks.()6. the woman is __the readb.

readsc. reading()7. _is hungry?

a. whatb. whoc. how

)8. the children walk __a. slowb.

slowlyc. quick()9. the woman behind __is meb.

ic. my

)10. -would you like some fruit?

--yes, please. i’d like __apple and __a; ab. a; anc. an; an

四、用括号内所给的词的正确形式填空。(10分)1. danny___run) to the train.

2. may i___play) with the baby? children arecry)

___boy) and __girl) are playing issleep)五、连词成句。(10分)

1. at,they,station,train,arrive,the

2. sit,don’t,down,please

3. they,on,see,what,train,the,do

4. behind,the,reading,woman,me,news*****,the,is5. man,playing,the,with,is,friends,cards,his六、句型转换。

(10分)1. please dance!(改为否定句)

2. the baby is sleeping now.(对划线部分进行提问 are playing ping-pong.

(改为一般疑问句4. jenny is flying a kite.(改为同义句)

5. would you like some water?(否定回答后再用茶进行完整的回答。

七、从ii栏中选出i栏中句子的正确应答句。(10分)()1. what are you doing now?

a. he’s sleeping.()2.

would you like a snack?b. yes, i am.

()3. may i play with the baby?c.

i’m reading.()4. are you singing, jenny?

d. no, thanks.()5.

what is the baby doing now?e. sure.


my name is maddy. i live in canada. i speak english and french.

i h**e acousin(表兄弟).东方) chinese. he is taller than me.

he likes to go to the library.根据短文内容判断正(t)误(f)()1. maddy is my cousin(表兄弟).

(2. maddy speaks chinese.()3.

i like to go to the library.()4. maddy has a cousin.

)5. maddy’s cousin likes to go to the library.


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