
发布 2022-05-16 01:10:28 阅读 6280



1she was a d ncer(舞蹈演员)many years ago.

2 i’ve got an mail(电子邮件)from lingling.

3 can i h**e your library c d(卡片),please?

4it’s sy(简单的)with a computer.

at your br ken.(坏的,破的)

did you go for your h l days?(假日)

m ssage(信息)will go to dad’s computer at work.

circle a the s me as circle b?(相同的)

act rs(男演员)told lots of jokes.

going to put an ther(另一个)bed in my room.


) weren’t televisions.

a. a b. any c. some

) years ago,we h**e a radio.

a. not b. don’t c. didn’t

) fish and chips yesterday.

a. had b. has c. h**e

) want an e—card mum.

a. make, for b. to make, for c. to make, at

) is the east of china.

a. in b. an c. to

)6.—let’s send an email to dad.

a. thank you b. that’s all right c. that’s a good idea!

) you your email.

a. of b. for c. at

) be home at seven o’clock.

a. did b. am c. will

) got two letters english.

a. with b. in c. an

) women men’s clothes last night.

a. wear b. wore c. wears

) week we went to a theatre.

a. childrens' b. children’s c. childrens’s

) are going to see you three weeks.

a. for b. in c. of

)13.— are you going to go?


a. what b. where c. when

) bought new chopsticks you.

a. of b. for c. on

) read a book chinese history.

a. in b. to c. about


hello, xiaofang.

hello, leilei.

(1) this summer?

i am going to tr**el(旅行).(2

i am going to learn drawing pictures.

where are you going to tr**el?

great, why do you go there?

(4he lives there and we are good friends.

i miss him, too. please give my regard(祝福)to him.

ok, no problem.(没问题)

thank you, see you soon.


a. i am going to go to america.

b. what about you

c. what are you going to do

9、月球地貌的最大特征,就是分布着许多大大小小的环形山,环形山大多是圆形的。关于环形山的形成,目前公认的观点是“撞击说”。d. see you soon.

第三单元宇宙e. because i want to look at tom.


dear mum and dad’:

16、在北部天空的小熊座上有著名的北极星,可以借助大熊座比较容易地找到北极星。黑夜可以用北极星辨认方向。i’m in new york now, i arrived yesterday.

grandma and cousin simon met me at the airport. it was very exciting .we went in a yellow taxi to their flat.

new york is very beautiful. there are lots of tall buildings and lots of cars and people. grandma made chinese food for me .

but i want to try american food. i want to find out about america. i will write again soon.

from7、硫酸铜溶液与铁钉的反应属于化学反应。硫酸铜溶液的颜色是蓝色,将铁钉浸入硫酸铜溶液中,我们发现铁钉变红了。daming .

) arrived in america yesterday.

4、科学家研究表明昆虫头上的触角就是它们的“鼻子”,能分辨出各种气味,比人的鼻子灵敏得多。( met daming at the station.

答:无色无味,比空气重,不支持燃烧。( ate american food that day.

17、细胞学说的建立被誉为19世纪自然科学的三大发现之一。( york is a beautiful city.

) went to simon’s home by bus.


2020年秋季五年级上英语入学测试卷。总分100 60分钟内完成 说明 答卷前,须将学校 父母联系 姓名按要求写在密封线内的横线上。一 选择填空。每小题2分,共20分 1.are theretigers in the zoo?a.some b.a c.any d.one 2.how manyare ...


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五年级语文入学测试卷 新

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