
发布 2022-05-16 01:13:28 阅读 9971



)1、建议 a. advice b. about

) 2、芹菜 a. greensb. celery

)3、小刀 a. knife b. spoon

)4枣 a. dateb. cherry

)5、口渴的 a. hungryb. thirsty

)6、空闲的a. free b. full

)7、习惯 a. hobbyb. habit

)8、日本 a. japan b. japanese

)9、肉 a. meatb. pork

)10、谈话a. take b. talk


strong (反义词)__fat(反义词)__cherry(复数形式)__





)1help yourselves,please a.已经开始。

) 2、come on b. 去远足。

) 3、h**e begun c.按时。

)4、neck and neck d.齐头并进。

)5、on time e.请随便用。

)6、the greengrocer’s f.制造噪音。

)7、make a noise g. 加油

( )8、go hiking h.射门。

)9、kick a goal i.玩电脑游戏。

)10、play computer games j.蔬菜水果店。


、( what’s___breakfast?

a of b for c for

2、( tom wants to __beef.

a eat b eats c to eat

3、( the doctor g**e them some good___

a advices b advice c advise

4、( i’m not good at __basketball.

a play b to play c playing

5、( d**id___rides his bike to school. he always walks.

a never b sometimes c often

6do you go hiking? not very often.

a how many b how c how often

7、( the relay race has

a begin b began c begun

8、( mike tries___the ball.

a get b to get c getting

9sunday afternoon he goes swimming.

a on b in c at

10、( what sport are you __

─the relay race.

a in b on c at

11is my hobby.

a read b reading c to read

12、( pass___the ketchup and a spoon.

a he b him c she

13 、(you can’t h**e___sweets.

a much b many c a lot

14 、(today is___and windy.

a sun b suny c sunny

15、( would you like to play volleyball __me.

a to b and c with


1、i don’t like米饭).

2、my pen is in the抽屉) .

3、 is there any牛肉)?

4 、may i h**e the菜单)?

5、 i must do the家务活).

6、 he’s really a good football运动员).

7、 i’m sure our team will赢) .

8、 i go hiking一次) a season.

9、 you should h**e a good习惯) .

10、 we shouldn’t make a噪音) in the libtary.


1、what, is , f**ourite, fruit, your (?连词成句)

2、she’d like a cup of tea.(改为一般疑问句)

she __a cup of tea?


4、do , we, you , the , can, housework, help(.)连词成句)

5、i go roller skating once a month.(就划线部分提问)

do you go roller skating?

vii ·读短文,判断对(√)错(× 10)

jack studies at no · 2 primay lives with his grandparents in a small village . he is a good student . he always goes to school on time and takes notes carefully in class .

so everyone likes him . his f**ourite food is chocolate . but his grandma doesn ' t let him eat too much chocolate .

she says it ' s bad for his health . jack also likes to eat fruits , such as cherries , grapes and dates . on sundays , jack often goes bike riding or skating with his friends .

and sometimes he also plays computer games .

) 1 . jack is a pupil .

) 2 . jack is a naughty boy at school .

) 3 . jack likes to eat chocolate .

) 4 . jack doesn , t like to eat fruits .

) 5 . jack often goes bike riding on sundays .


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