
发布 2022-12-06 22:26:28 阅读 6538



e_em_ _thbroth_ _gr_ _dpatra_ _a. gob. goesc. is

9.__you go home on foot?

a. dob. arec. is10.__is it? -it is red.

t _x _h_ m_tro _s_ _s二、做选择,我最棒。(20分) a happy family.

a. areb. isc. go home __byb. on3.__coat is this?

a. whob. who’ is __elephant.

a. ab. anc. me5.__is he?--he is my dad.

a. whoseb. has two __

a. footb. feet7.__is my mom?a. whob. _toxi’an by train.

sweat_ _

c. inc. whosec.

howc. handc. whatw_ _ra.

whob. whatc. what color三、给词宝宝排队。


/ school / come / how / do / to

/ these / whose /are

is / grandma / this

/ at/look / my

/ is / bear / a/ it

四、读一读,从b栏中选择与a栏相配的句子。( 20分)

ab) it h**e a mouth?a. this is a coat.

()2. thank yes, they are.()3.

is this your mother?c. no, itdoesn’t.

)4. what is this?d.

yes, she is.()5. are these her shoes?

e. you are welcome.()6.

good nice to meet you!()7. who is she?

g. she is my you very are welcome.


a.this is miss white this is miss white’s sweater.


)8. here you good afternoon.()9.

nice to meet you!i. thank you .

(that your school?j. yes, it is.



a.how is your family?b. how many people are there in your family?

2.第一次见到新来的同学,你应该说:()a.good morning!

b. nice to meet you!

3.你想确认一下miss white是否坐飞机去北京,你可以问:()a.how does miss white go to beijing?

miss white go to beijing by plane?4.你如何征求别人的意见呢?

()a. you are what about you?




a.what do you wear?b.what’sin your beg?


a.what color is your skirt?b. where is your skirt?10.你想看一下别人的玩具时,你可以说:()

a.may i h**e a look?b. this is your toy.



lesson 10 what do you like?云电梅。教学目标 1.listen look and say cucumber tomato potato carrot。2.understand sentence what do you like?i like 教学重 难点 重点 单词,句型 ...


unit 1 my body 1.look at 看。look at the bear.看这只熊。2.this that is后面加单数名词 这是 那是。this is the head,that is the face这是头,这是脸。3.these those are后面加复数名词 这些是 那些是...


unit 1 my body 1.look at 看。look at the bear.看这只熊。2.this that is后面加单数名词 这是 那是。this is the head,that is the face这是头,这是脸。3.these those are后面加复数名词 这些是 那些是...