2024年小学三年级英语知识竞赛题 I

发布 2022-12-06 22:24:28 阅读 6543

一、 写一写,根据大小写规律写出下面字母的“邻居”。(10分)

2. b 4. g 5. _u 6. c 7. x 8. i 9. f 10. q

二、 改一改,把下面的单词改写成它的大写或小写形式。(8分)




ele_hant _iger _eeppea_




i h**e a ruler

colour it green

what’s this

i’d like some juice, please

here you are


1. do you like apples? (

a. yes,i do. b. thanks. c. no,i do.

2. how are you? (

a. fine, thanks. b. i’m ten. c. i like grapes.

3. how old are you? (

a. i’m fine, thank you. b. i can see i’m 7.

4. what would you like?

a. very well, thanks. b. i’d like some breadc. cool! i like it.

5. let’s make a puppet. (

a. thank you. b. great. c. yes, i do.

6. i’m sorry. (

a. sure. b. it’s ok. c. it’s a dog.

7. what’s your name? (

a. i’m 12. b. my name’s very well, thanks.

8. h**e some fruits. (

a. thank certainly. c. goodbye.

9. how many apples ?

a. six. b. i’m 9. c. i can see 15.

10. who’s that woman? (

a. he’s my she’s my she’s my mom.

六、情景对话。 (18分)


a. who are you? b. how are you? c. here you are.


a. this is johnb. nice to meet you.


a clap your handsb. clap my hands. c. snap your fingers

4、人家问where is your book? 你指着书说:(

a. this is my bookb. here it is.


a. happy birthdayb. happy teacher’s day!

6、男老师和女老师的称呼前分别用( )

a. mr ; missb. miss; mr

7、 你的好朋友想看你的玩具熊,你给他的时候会说:

a thank youb. here you are c. super


a sit downb. good morning. c. stand up.

9. 在餐厅点餐时,你想要吃鱼时,你应该说:

a.h**e some fish. b. can i h**e some fish, please? c. here you are.

七、句子排序。(按正确的顺序标上序号) (12分)

) thank you.

) i h**e a teddy bear.

) may i h**e a look?

) sure.

) oh, really?

) here you are.


amy: sam, let’s go to school.

sam: ok. let’s go. but where’s my pencil-box?

amy: what colour is your pencil-box?

sam: blue and white.

amy: look! it’s over there, on the desk.

sam: thank you.

( )1. sam and tom go to school.

) 2. sam has a blue and white pencil-box.

) 3. the pencil-box is on the desk.


一、 写一写,根据大小写规律写出下面字母的“邻居”。(10分)

2. b 4. g 5. _u 6. c 7. x 8. i 9. f 10. q

二、 改一改,把下面的单词改写成它的大写或小写形式。(8分)




ele_hant _iger _eeppea_




i h**e a ruler

colour it green

what’s this

人教版三年级语文上册 “词语大王”知识竞赛

班级姓名考号。2017 2018学年第一学期。人教三年级语文上册 词语大王 知识竞赛。一 词语我最棒 看谁写的最规范 20个词语 20分。二 组词。28分 瓣 峰 坪 孔 掌 辫 锋 评 礼 常 耍 城 锋 该 扑 要 诚 峰 刻 仆 ch ojihu ngsh n 朝假晃扇 zh ojihu ng...


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个人收集整理 zq 我来自美国加拿大中国。用于介绍来自哪个国家。我们有一位新朋友。小心!学生 对不起。常用于抱歉 承认错 教师 没关系。进来。妇女节快乐!谢谢你们。那个女人是谁?她是我地妈妈。那个男人是谁?他是我地爸爸。这是我地家庭。快来,百灵。让我们一起看电视吧!真有趣啊!真漂亮啊!好大地一条鱼啊...