
发布 2022-11-26 05:59:28 阅读 2427


goodbye!--bye!--see you!

再见!what is your name?你叫什么名字i`m lily.

我叫莉莉。h**e a pen/pencil/pencil-case/ruler/eraser/crayon/book/bag/sharpener.我有一钢笔/铅笔/文具盒/尺/橡皮/蜡笔/书/书包/卷笔刀。

unit2 look at me!- good morning/afternoon/evening!早上/下午/晚上。

好!-nice to meet you!--nice to meet you,too!

很高兴见到你!-where is your mouth/hand/nose/ear/arm/foot/leg?你的嘴巴/手/鼻子/耳朵/胳膊/脚/腿在?

--here it is!在这里unit3 let paint!how are you?

你好吗?-fine,thank you.很好,谢谢。

red/yellow/blue/green/purple/orange/white/black/brown/pink红/黄/蓝/绿/紫/橙/白/黑/棕/粉红unit4 we love animalsh**e a dog/monkey/panda/cat/rabbit/bird/squirrel/mouse/bear/pig.我有一只狗/猴子/熊猫/猫/兔/鸟/松鼠/老鼠/熊/猪。elephant.

我有一只大象。-may i h**e a look?我可以看一下吗?

--sure,here you are.当然可以,给你。unit5 let`s eat!

what do you like ?你喜欢什么?like hamburgers /hot /dogs /bread/ french fries / chicken.

我喜欢汉堡包/热狗/面包/薯条/鸡肉。h**e some juice / water /milk / coffee / tea / coke?能给我一些果汁/水/牛奶/咖啡/茶/可乐吗?

unit6 happy birthdayhow many candles /gifts?多少支蜡烛?/多少个礼物?

--how old are you?你多大了?--i’m one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/nine/ten.

我一/二/三/四/五/六/七/八/九/十岁了。welcome back to school-where are you from?你来自**?

-i am from china/america/…我来自中国/美国。this girl/boy is my friend.这个女孩/男孩是我的朋友。

my familyt man/woman/boy/girl?那个男人/女人/男孩/女孩是谁?he/she is my father/mother/grandfather/grandmother/brother/sister.

他/她是我的爸爸/妈妈/(外)祖父/(外)祖母/兄弟/姐妹。how many?how many boys/girls/kites can you see?

你能看到多少个男孩/女孩/风筝?can see eleven/twelve/thirteen/fourteen/fifteen/sixteen/seventeen/ighteen/nineteen/twenty.我能看到11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20个。

-how many crayons do you h**e?你有多少只蜡笔?-i h**e twelve.

我有12只。-look at my new crayons!看我的新蜡笔!

-how nice/beautiful!真漂亮!do you like pears?

do you like peaches/pears/oranges/watermelons/apples/bananas//grapes?你喜欢桃/梨/桔子/西瓜/苹果/香蕉/草莓/葡萄吗?yes,i do.

是的,我喜欢。no,i do not.不,我不喜欢。

unit5where is my ruler?where is my bus/bike/taxi/jeep/walkman/lamp?我的公共汽车/自行车/出租车/吉普车/随听/台灯在**?

t is in/on/under the desk/chair.它在桌子/椅子的里面/上面/下面。look out!

当心;留神here you are.给你at the zoohow many animals do you know?你知道多少动物?

know all the animals.我知道所有的动物。look at the elephant/giraffe/deer!

看这个大象/长颈鹿/鹿。t is so small/big/long/short/tall/cute.它是如此的小/大/长/矮/高/逗人喜爱的。


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