
发布 2022-11-26 06:07:28 阅读 1080










9、月球地貌的最大特征,就是分布着许多大大小小的环形山,环形山大多是圆形的。关于环形山的形成,目前公认的观点是“撞击说”。 小学三年级下册英语重点知识总结。

1. what is thatit is my family tree.

2. what are they? they are cars.

3. who is the old lady with grey hair? she is my grandmother.

who is that boy with a ballhe is my brother.

4. who are the childrenthey are my cousins.

5. what about that beautiful woman? she is my mother.

what about that one on the shelf? it is a picture of my family.

6. do you h**e any pigsyes, i do. /no, i don’t.

7. i h**e a farm. (肯定) -i don’t h**e a farm. (否定)

i h**e some ducks. (肯定) -i don’t h**e any ducks. (否定)

8. what is it? it is a car.

what is this? it is a stamp.

what is that? it is a postcard.

9. what are they? they are cars.

what are these? they are stamps.

what are those? they are postcards.

10. 句型:[,

where are you from? i am from china. (注:国家类与国籍类单词第一个字母要大写)

where is she from? she is from japan.

we are both from britain. 我们都是来自英国。

11. 问: what is in your …?what is your … like?

答: it has…

如: -what is in your bedroom? /what is your bedroom like?

---it has a bed and a chair. /

12. where is the mouse? it is in the corner.

13. where are those mice? they are under the bed.

14. -how many ducks are there in the picture? [

---there are three.

---how many ducks are there in the picture? [

--there is one.

-- are there any ducks in the picture? [

---yes, there are.

---are there any ducks in this picture? [

-- yes, there are. /或者: yes, there is one.

15.what is init has… /there is (are)…

---what is in your bedroom? -it has a bed and a desk.

或者 --there is a bed and a desk.

---what is in your classroom? -it has some desks and chairs.

或者 --there are some desks and chairs.


linda is their daughter.(肯定句) -linda isn’t their daughter.(否定句)

they are my teachers.( 肯定句) -they aren’t my teachers.( 否定句)

the + 姓 + s --表示…一家人(本身以“s”结尾的只加 ’)

如: the webb’s (伟博一家人) the jones’ (琼思一家人)

h**e & has


wet': span', c': h**e', r': r_3itt': span', c': has', r': r_3'}]


复数形式。 some & any

1) 相同点:都表示“一些”的意思。

2) 不同点:some 一般用于肯定句;any一般用于否定句(not;n’t)和疑问句(?)

例句: i h**e some pigs.

i don’t h**e any pigs.

do you h**e any pigs?


国家 america / australia / canada / china / japan / britain / france / germany

国籍 american / australian / canadian / chinese/ japanese/ british/ french/ german

注意:(美国缩写形式是:the usa ; 中国的缩写形式是:the prc ; 英国的缩写形式是: the uk .


on 在。。。上面

in 在。。。里面

under 在。。。下面

in front of 在。。。前面

behind 在。。。后面

beside( by; next to) 在。。。旁边

against 挨着、靠着。。。



between… and 在。。。和。。。的中间。


1.what is thatit is my family tree.2.what are they?they are cars.3.who is the old lady with grey hair?she is my grandmother.who is that boy with a bal...


1.what is thatit is my family tree.2.what are they?they are cars.3.who is the old lady with grey hair?she is my grandmother.who is that boy with a bal...


小学英语三年级 pep 重点句型归纳 hello hi 你好!goodbye bye see you 再见!what is your name?你叫什么名字i m lily.我叫莉莉。h e a pen pencil pencil case ruler eraser crayon book bag ...