
发布 2022-12-02 00:57:28 阅读 7652

lesson 10 what do you like?


1. listen look and say: cucumber tomato potato carrot。

2. understand sentence: what do you like? i like…


重点:单词,句型—cucumber tomato potato carrot 单数复数的发音。

what do you like?

i like…


2)培养学生合作学习的能力。同时注意培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 树立自信心。


教学准备:课件,单词卡片 ,黄瓜,西红柿,土豆,胡萝卜。

教学过程:step1、lead in

1. sing an english song.

2. guess words “what’s this?” from (**)

3. 师生对话导入课题:what do you like?

t: i like cucumber and tomato(拿出准备好的黄瓜和西红柿)guesswhat do i like?”

s: 黄瓜(cucumber) 西红柿(tomato)

t: today.,let’s learn “what’s this?”

step2. new lesson.

1)show picture “cucumber” (老师用升调和降调说单词cucumber学生跟着读并提出后面加s该怎么读)

t: show me your cucumber,(看谁能用最快的速度拿起准备好的cucumber,并大声喊出该单词)

2)show picture “carrot”(老师由慢而快拍手,学生也要由慢而快地说tomato)

3)show picture ”tomato”(kiss tomato)

4 ) show picture “potato”(老师用大声和小声说单词 potato学生跟着读)

5)let’s chant (男生女生比赛说)

6)play a game.

7)make dialog (老师用多**出示唐僧和孙悟空对话,模仿对话)

tang seng: wu kong wu kong ,what do you like ?

sun wu kong: i like tomatoes

板书并讲解:what do you like? 你喜欢什么?

表达:我喜欢…..就说i like…….

step3. practice

1) let’s chant.

2) make a dialog.(模仿唐僧和孙悟空的对话)

step4: sum up.

what h**e you learned in this class?

step5: homework.

1) make word cards and copy words.

2) make dialog.



unit 1 my body 1.look at 看。look at the bear.看这只熊。2.this that is后面加单数名词 这是 那是。this is the head,that is the face这是头,这是脸。3.these those are后面加复数名词 这些是 那些是...


unit 1 my body 1.look at 看。look at the bear.看这只熊。2.this that is后面加单数名词 这是 那是。this is the head,that is the face这是头,这是脸。3.these those are后面加复数名词 这些是 那些是...


陕旅版三年级英语单词及句型。1.身体部分 body身体head头eye眼睛nose鼻子mouth嘴巴face脸ear耳朵arm胳膊。hand手leg腿feet脚。2.家庭类 family家庭people人brother哥哥,弟弟sister姐妹grandma爷爷grandpa奶奶father爸爸mo...